NAV Navbar


version time content
initial version


Communication Protocol

HTTPS Protocol.


The request and response data code for all interfaces is formatted according to UTF-8. Content for responses in all interfaces is formatted according to JSON.

API Request Structure

Name Description Notes
API Address Address for API interface Eg.
Public Parameters Universal parameters for all interfaces
Private Parameter Special parameters for each interface See each API interface description for details

API hosts (production)

API hosts (beta)

Public Parameters

Public parameters are used for interface authentication. Unless otherwise necessary, these parameters will be omitted for each interface. Each request must contain these parameters unless stated otherwise.

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
X-MatrixPort-Access-Key string Y 32 Access-Key given to users is contained within the http header.
X-MatrixPort-Access-Signature string Y - Request signature is used to authorize the legitimacy of the request. Contained within the http header.
timestamp int64 Y - Millisecond timestamp is contained within the http query param or body.
language-type int Y - Language type within the interface will return according to: 0=CN, 1=EN, 2=RU
x-request-id string N - Globally unique trace id, used for tracing requests

Response Format Strings

All interface response values are formatted according to JSON. Unless otherwise stated, all request return values contain the following text strings:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Interface call status, (ie. error code): 0: Normal, Others: Call error.
message string Error message is description of API errors
data object Results will return as defined by each interface


please refer to this link

Collateral-Lending API


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 255 Product ID: 6995714919513481216
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "can_redeem_line": 0,
      "channel_product_type": 0,
      "channels": [
        "channel_id": "string",
        "product_id": "string"
      "fixed_top": 0,
      "i18ns": [
        "content": "string",
        "field": "string",
        "lang": "string"
      "interest_rate_price_type": 0,
      "loan_currency": "string",
      "loan_quota_max": 0,
      "loan_quota_min": 0,
      "loan_terms": [
        "loan_term_count": 0,
        "loan_term_unit": 0
      "ltvs": [
        "ltv": 0
      "name": "string",
      "offline_time": 0,
      "penalty_interest_grace_period": 0,
      "penalty_interest_rate": 0,
      "pledge_currency": "string",
      "prepay_penalty_rate": 0,
      "prices": [
        "interest_rate": 0,
        "loan_term": 0,
        "loan_term_count": 0,
        "loan_term_unit": 0,
        "ltv": 0,
        "type": 0,
        "valid": 0
      "product_id": "string",
      "cell_no": "string",
      "product_type": 0,
      "protocols": [
        "protocol_id": "string"
      "redeemed_line_max": 0,
      "repay_methods": [
        "repay_method": 0
      "risk_policy_id": 0,
      "rules": [
        "agreement_number": "string",
        "repay_method": 0,
        "rule_type": 0,
        "sort_weight": 0
      "status": 0,
      "user_group_id": 0,
      "user_quota": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
product_id string Product id
cell_no string Cell no.
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
loan_currency string Loan currency
name string Product name
product_type integer Product type [1-Normal Product; 2-Promotional Product]
user_quota decimal User quota
loan_quota_max decimal Max loan quota
loan_quota_min decimal Min loan quota
fixed_top integer Product is top? [1-No; 2-Yes]
channel_product_type integer Is channel product? [1-Yes; 2-No]
penalty_interest_grace_period integer Grace period of penalty interest(millisecond)
interest_rate_price_type integer Interest rate pricing type [1-Manual pricing; 2-Automatic pricing]
penalty_interest_rate decimal Penalty interest rate
prepay_penalty_rate decimal Rate of liquidated damages for prepayment
risk_policy_id integer Risk policy id
can_redeem_line decimal Redeemed line
redeemed_line_max decimal Maximum value of ltv after withdrawal of pledge
offline_time integer Product offline time(millisecond)
status integer Product status [1-Offline, 2-Online; 3-Deleted]
user_group_id integer User group id
prices array Product prices
prices.ltv decimal LTV(Loan-to-Value)
prices.interest_rate decimal Interest rate
prices.loan_term_count integer Loan term count
prices.loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Loan term type
prices.type integer Interest rate pricing type [1-Manual pricing; 2-Automatic pricing]
prices.valid integer Price valid? [1-Valid; 2-Invalid]
prices.loan_term integer Loan term
repay_methods array repay_methods
repay_methods.repay_method RepayMethod Repay method
i18ns array i18ns
i18ns.lang string Language
i18ns.field string Field
i18ns.content string Content
ltvs array ltvs
ltvs.ltv decimal ltv
loan_terms array loan_terms
loan_terms.loan_term_count integer Loan term count
loan_terms.loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Loan term type
rules array rules
rules.repay_method RepayMethod Repay method
rules.rule_type integer Product rule type [1-Margin call; 2-Liquidation; 3-Interest; 4-Repay; 5-Penalty interest; 6-Renew]
rules.agreement_number string Agreement no.
rules.sort_weight integer Sort weight
protocols array protocols
protocols.protocol_id string Protocol id
channels array channels
channels.channel_id string Channel id
channels.product_id string Product id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": [
      "loan_list": [
          "name": "string"
      "pledge": "string"
    "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
loan_list array Loan currency list string Loan currency
pledge string Pledge currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
channel_id string N 255 channel id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
      "loan_currency": "string",
      "pledge_currency": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
loan_currency string Loan currency
pledge_currency string Pledge currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
loan_currency string Y - Loan currency
channel_id string N - Channel id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "list": [
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
list array []int


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product id
ltv decimal Y - ltv
loan_term_count integer Y - Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Y - Loan term type
repay_method RepayMethod Y - Repay method
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "list": [
        "ID": 0,
        "agreement_type": 0,
        "content": "string",
        "language": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "number": "string",
        "rule_type": 0,
        "sort_weight": 0,
        "subject_type": "string",
        "type": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
list array List
list.ID integer Product agreement id
list.agreement_type integer Product agreement type [1-Product agreement; 3-Product rule]
list.content string Product agreement content
list.language string Product agreement language string Product agreement name
list.number string Product agreement number
list.rule_type integer Product agreement rule type [1-Margin call; 2-Liquidation; 3-Interest; 4-Repay; 5-Penalty interest; 6-Renew]
list.sort_weight integer Product agreement sort weight
list.subject_type integer Product agreement subject type
list.type integer Product agreement business line type: "loan"


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
tab string Y - Product tab
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
loan_currency string Y - Loan currency
channel_id string N - Channel id
offset integer N - Page offset
limit integer Y - Page limit
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
    "list": [
        "fixed_top": 1,
        "interest_rate_max": 12,
        "interest_rate_min": 6,
        "loan_currency": "USDT",
        "loan_term_max": 12,
        "loan_term_min": 6,
        "ltv_max": 60,
        "ltv_min": 4,
        "pledge_currency": "BTC",
        "product_id": "1",
        "tags": [
            "name": "标签名",
            "product_id": "1",
            "tag_id": "1",
            "type": 1
        "user_group_id": 138
      "total": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
list array list
list.fixed_top integer Product is top? [1-No; 2-Yes]
list.interest_rate_max decimal Max interest rate
list.interest_rate_min decimal Min interest rate
list.loan_currency string Loan currency
list.loan_term_max integer Max loan term
list.loan_term_min integer Min loan term
list.ltv_max decimal Max ltv
list.ltv_min decimal Min ltv
list.pledge_currency string Pledge currency
list.product_id string Product id
tags array tags string Tag name
tags.product_id string Product id
tags.tag_id string Tag id
tags.type integer Tag type [1-Marketing; 2-Interest rate]
user_group_id integer User group id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
currency string Y - Currency
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
      "balance": 0,
      "currency": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
balance decimal Balance
currency string Currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
      "currency": "string",
      "loan_total_amount": 0,
      "order_count": 0,
      "recent_need_repay_date": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
currency string Currency : "USD"
loan_total_amount decimal Total loan amount
order_count integer Total order count
recent_need_repay_date integer Date of recent repayment (millisecond)


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
currency string Y - Currency
amount decimal N - Amount
loan_amount decimal N - Loan amount
renew integer N - Renew type [1-Not renew; 2-renew]
is_promoitional_product boolean N - is promotional product
unit integer N - Loan term type [1-Day; 2-Week; 3-Month]
periods integer N - Loan term count
tenor integer N - Loan term interval
type integer N - Coupon type [1-Discount rate; 2-Discount amount]
curl ""
  "code": 0, 
  "data": {
    "coupons": [
        "amount_result": true,
        "available": true,
        "coupon_period_result": true,
        "created_at": 0,
        "created_serial_no": "string",
        "currencies": [
        "currency": "string",
        "currency_level": 0,
        "currency_result": true,
        "cut_amount": 0,
        "cut_apy": 0,
        "deadline": 0,
        "department": 0,
        "id": "string",
        "lock_serial_no": "string",
        "max_amount": 0,
        "min_amount": 0,
        "not_available_result_level": 0,
        "online": 0,
        "order_type_result": true,
        "overlay_result": true,
        "product_limit_result": true,
        "product_tenor_check_result": true,
        "promotion_id": "string",
        "source": "string",
        "status": 0,
        "template": {
          "alerts": {},
          "conditions": {
            "additionalProp1": [
                "group": "string",
                "num": 0,
                "str": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "unit": "string"
            "additionalProp2": [
                "group": "string",
                "num": 0,
                "str": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "unit": "string"
            "additionalProp3": [
                "group": "string",
                "num": 0,
                "str": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "unit": "string"
          "created_on": 0,
          "i18ns": {
            "ActiveAdditionalInfo_0": [
                "data": "string",
                "item": "string",
                "language": "string",
                "trigger": "string"
            "TemplateName": [
                "data": "string",
                "item": "string",
                "language": "string",
                "trigger": "string"
          "id": "string",
          "is_active": 0,
          "promotion_id": "string",
          "template_shot": "string"
        "template_id": "string",
        "template_names": [
            "data": "string",
            "item": "string",
            "language": "string",
            "trigger": "string"
        "template_shot": "string",
        "type": 0,
        "used_serial_no": "string",
        "user_id": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
coupons array Coupons
coupons.amount_result boolean Order amount range verification result
coupons.available boolean Is available
coupons.coupon_period_result boolean Verification results of coupon validity
coupons.created_at integer Create time(millisecond)
coupons.created_serial_no string Create serial no.
coupons.currencies array[string] Support currencies
coupons.currency string Currency
coupons.currency_level integer Currency level
coupons.currency_result boolean Currency verification results
coupons.cut_amount decimal Discount amount
coupons.cut_apy decimal Discount rate
coupons.deadline integer Expiration time(millisecond)
coupons.department integer Business lint [1-App; 2-Wealth; 3-Collateral Lending] string Coupon id
coupons.lock_serial_no string Lock serial no.
coupons.max_amount decimal Max loan amount(No limit when it is 0)
coupons.min_amount decimal Min loan amount(No limit when it is 0)
coupons.not_available_result_level integer Reason for unavailability integer Time of taking effect(millisecond)
coupons.order_type_result boolean Order type verification Result
coupons.overlay_result boolean Is overlay
coupons.product_limit_result boolean Is promotional product
coupons.product_tenor_check_result boolean Whether coupon product term verification passed
coupons.promotion_id string Promotion id
coupons.source string Coupon source
coupons.status integer Coupon status [0-Usable; 1-Expired; 2-Used; 3-Locked]
coupons.template object template
coupons.template.alerts object Empty object
coupons.template.conditions object conditions
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp1 array key string group
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp1.num integer num
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp1.str string str
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp1.type string type
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp1.unit string unit
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp2 array key string group
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp2.num integer num
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp2.str string str
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp2.type string type
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp2.unit string unit
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp3 array key string group
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp3.num integer num
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp3.str string str
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp3.type string type
coupons.template.conditions.additionalProp3.unit string unit
coupons.template.created_on integer Create time
coupons.template.i18ns object i18ns
coupons.template.i18ns.ActiveAdditionalInfo_0 array Coupon i18n text string
coupons.template.i18ns.ActiveAdditionalInfo_0.item string
coupons.template.i18ns.ActiveAdditionalInfo_0.language string
coupons.template.i18ns.ActiveAdditionalInfo_0.trigger string
coupons.template.i18ns.TemplateName array Coupon i18n text string
coupons.template.i18ns.TemplateName.item string
coupons.template.i18ns.TemplateName.language string
coupons.template.i18ns.TemplateName.trigger string string Template id
coupons.template.is_active string Is active
coupons.template.promotion_id string Promotion id
coupons.template.template_shot string Template shot
coupons.template_id string Template id
coupons.template_names array Template name(i18n text) string
coupons.template_names.item string
coupons.template_names.language string
coupons.template_names.trigger string
coupons.template_shot string Template snapshot id
coupons.type string Coupon type [0-Unknown; 1-Discount rate; 2-Discount amount]
coupons.used_serial_no string Used serial no.
coupons.user_id string User id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
curl ""
  "code": 0, 
  "data": {
    "contract_url": "string",
    "coupons": [
        "add_time": 0,
        "coupon_amount": 0,
        "coupon_id": "string",
        "coupon_rate": 0,
        "currency": "string",
        "get_type": 0,
        "id": 0,
        "lock_serial_no": "string",
        "operation_id": "string",
        "order_id": "string",
        "product_id": "string",
        "rollback_serial_no": "string",
        "serial_no": "string",
        "source": 0,
        "type": 0,
        "use_serial_no": "string",
        "user_id": "string"
    "created_at": 0,
    "exec_time": 0,
    "interest_rate": 0,
    "interest_renew": 0,
    "loan_term_count": 0,
    "loan_term_unit": 0,
    "ltv": 0,
    "pay_for_interest": 0,
    "pay_new_order_interest": 0,
    "price_failed_code": 0,
    "principal": 0,
    "product_id": "string",
    "renew_serial_no": "string",
    "renew_status": 0,
    "repay_method": 0,
    "repay_old_order_interest": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
contract_url string Loan currency list
coupons array coupons
coupons.add_time integer Coupon use time
coupons.coupon_amount decimal Coupon amount
coupons.coupon_id string Coupon id
coupons.coupon_rate decimal Coupon rate
coupons.currency string Currency
coupons.get_type integer Coupon get type [1-Admin manual binding; 2-Self obtain] integer id
coupons.lock_serial_no string Lock serial no.
coupons.operation_id string Operation record id
coupons.order_id string Order id
coupons.product_id string Product id
coupons.rollback_serial_no string Rollback serial no.
coupons.serial_no string Coupon serial no.
coupons.source integer Coupon source [0-Unknown; 1-User; 2-Admin; 3-System]
coupons.type integer Coupon type [1-Discount Rete; 2-Discount amount]
coupons.use_serial_no string Use coupon serial no.
coupons.user_id string User id
created_at integer Renew application time(millisecond)
exec_time integer Renew exec time(millisecond)
interest_rate decimal Interest rate
interest_renew InterestRenewType Interest process type
loan_term_count integer Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Loan term type
ltv decimal ltv
pay_for_interest decimal Total interest payable
pay_new_order_interest decimal Pay new order interest
price_failed_code integer Priced failed code
principal decimal Renew principal
product_id string Product id
renew_serial_no string Renew Serial no.
renew_status RenewStatusType Renew status type
repay_method RepayMethod Repay method
repay_old_order_interest decimal Repayment of old order interest


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
serial_no string N - Serial no.
order_id string Y - Order id
product_id string Y - Product id
loan_term_count integer Y - Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Y - Loan term type
repay_method RepayMethod U - Repay method
interest_renew InterestRenewType N - Interest process type
coupons array N - Coupons
coupons.coupon_id string N - Coupon id
coupons.get_type integer N - Coupon get type [1-Admin manual binding; 2-Self obtain]
coupons.type integer N - Coupon type [1-Discount rate; 2-Discount amount]
coupons.coupon_rate decimal N - Discount rate
coupons.coupon_amount decimal N - Discount amount
coupons.coupon_detail object N - Coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {},
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
curl ""
  "code": 0, 
  "data": {},
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
loan_currency string Y - Loan currency
principal decimal N - Original order should repay principal
interest decimal N - Original order should repay interest
penalty_interest decimal Y - Original order should repay penalty interest
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
pledge_amount decimal N - Pledge amount
interest_rate decimal N - Interest rate
risk_policy_id integer N - Risk policy id
loan_term_count integer N - Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit N - Loan term type
repay_method RepayMethod N - Repay method
interest_renew InterestRenewType N - Interest process type
renew_time integer N - Renew execute time
coupons array N - Coupons
coupons.coupon_id string N - Coupon id
coupons.get_type integer N - Coupon get type [1-Admin manual binding; 2-Self obtain]
coupons.type integer N - Coupon type [1-Discount rate; 2-Discount amount]
coupons.coupon_rate decimal N - Discount rate
coupons.coupon_amount decimal N - Discount amount
coupons.coupon_detail object N - Coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "actual_interest_rate": 0,
    "alert_price": 0,
    "alert_price_percent_change": 0,
    "alert_time_threshold": 0,
    "closeout_level_threshold": 0,
    "closeout_price": 0,
    "closeout_price_percent_change": 0,
    "interest_rate": 0,
    "loan_currency": "string",
    "ltv": 0,
    "pay_for_interest": 0,
    "pay_new_order_interest": 0,
    "pledge_currency": "string",
    "renewed_amount": 0,
    "renewed_interest": 0,
    "renewed_penalty_interest": 0,
    "renewed_principal": 0,
    "repay_old_order_interest": 0,
    "repay_old_order_penalty_interest": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
actual_interest_rate decimal Interest rate after discount
alert_price decimal Alert price
alert_price_percent_change decimal Floating rate of alert price to current price
alert_time_threshold integer Reminder time threshold
closeout_level_threshold decimal Closing level threshold
closeout_price decimal Closeout price
closeout_price_percent_change decimal Floating rate of closeout price to current price
interest_rate decimal Interest rate
loan_currency string Loan currency
ltv decimal LTV
pay_for_interest decimal Pay for interest
pay_new_order_interest decimal Pay new order interest
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
renewed_amount decimal Renew principal
renewed_interest decimal Renew interest


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "closeout_info": {
      "closeout_time": 0,
        "return_amount": 0,
        "risk_reserve_amount": 0
    "coupons": [
        "add_time": 0,
        "coupon_amount": 0,
        "coupon_id": "string",
        "coupon_rate": 0,
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        "get_type": 0,
        "id": 0,
        "lock_serial_no": "string",
        "operation_id": "string",
        "order_id": "string",
        "product_id": "string",
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        "source": 0,
        "type": 0,
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        "user_id": "string"
    "order": {
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      "alert_time": 0,
      "alert_time_length": 0,
      "alert_time_threshold": 0,
      "auto_margin_call": 0,
      "can_redeem_line": 0,
      "cancel_time": 0,
      "channel_id": "string",
      "close_policy_type": 0,
      "closeout_line": 0,
      "closeout_price": 0,
      "contract_url": "string",
      "created_at": 0,
      "current_ltv": 0,
      "encash_time": 0,
      "end_interest_time": 0,
      "id": 0,
      "init_loan_amount": 0,
      "init_ltv": 0,
      "init_pledge_amount": 0,
      "init_price": 0,
      "interest_rate": 0,
      "last_open_auto_margin_call_time": 0,
      "left_repay_amount": 0,
      "loan_currency": "string",
      "loan_term_count": 0,
      "loan_term_unit": 0,
      "manual_close_trigger_line": "string",
      "order_id": "string",
      "order_time": 0,
      "parent_order_id": "string",
      "payoff_time": 0,
      "payoff_type": 0,
      "penalty_interest_grace_period": 0,
      "penalty_interest_rate": 0,
      "pending_bind_coupons_op": "string",
      "pledge_amount": 0,
      "pledge_currency": "string",
      "pledge_time": 0,
      "prepay_penalty_rate": 0,
      "product_id": "string",
      "product_name": "string",
      "product_type": 0,
      "protocols": "string",
      "redeemed_line_max": 0,
      "remark": "string",
      "renew": 0,
      "renew_status": 0,
      "repaid_amount": 0,
      "repay_method": 0,
      "return_pledge_amount": 0,
      "risk_policy_id": 0,
      "show_end_interest_time": 0,
      "start_interest_time": 0,
      "status": 0,
      "type": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "user_id": "string",
      "zone_offset_seconds": 0
    "pledge_info": {
      "current_price": 0,
        "pledge_amount": 0
    "pre_order_count": 0,
      "repaid_info": {
      "sum_interest": 0,
        "sum_penalty_interest": 0,
        "sum_prepay_penalty": 0,
        "sum_principal": 0
    "repay_plans": [
        "accrual_base": 0,
        "accrual_interest": 0,
        "accrual_penalty_interest": 0,
        "accrued_time": 0,
        "dis_off_interest_by_amount_coupon": 0,
        "dis_off_interest_by_rate_coupon": 0,
        "dis_off_penalty_interest_by_amount_coupon": 0,
        "dis_off_penalty_interest_by_rate_coupon": 0,
        "dis_off_prepay_penalty_by_amount_coupon": 0,
        "grace_interest": 0,
        "grace_plan_date": 0,
        "id": 0,
        "interest_rate": 0,
        "no": 0,
        "order_id": "string",
        "penalty_interest_rate": 0,
        "plan_date": 0,
        "planned_interest": 0,
        "planned_principal": 0,
        "precision": 0,
        "prepay_penalty": 0,
        "prepay_penalty_rate": 0,
        "reduction_of_interest_rate": 0,
        "repaid_interest": 0,
        "repaid_penalty_interest": 0,
        "repaid_prepay_penalty": 0,
        "repaid_principal": 0,
        "repay_currency": "string",
        "repay_interest": 0,
        "repay_penalty_interest": 0,
        "repay_plan_id": "string",
        "repay_principal": 0,
        "start_accrual_time": 0,
        "status": 0,
        "user_id": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order object OrderDetailInfo
repay_plans array[RepayPlan] RepayPlan Array
repaid_info object Repaid info
repaid_info.sum_principal decimal Sum principal
repaid_info.sum_interest decimal Sum interest
repaid_info.sum_penalty_interest decimal Sum Penalty interest
repaid_info.sum_prepay_penalty decimal Sum prepay penalty
pre_order_count integer Pre order count
pledge_info object
pledge_info.current_price decimal Current price
pledge_info.pledge_amount decimal Pledge amount
closeout_info object Closeout info
closeout_info.closeout_time integer Closeout time
closeout_info.return_amount decimal Return amount
closeout_info.risk_reserve_amount decimal Risk reserve amount
coupons array[OrderCoupon] OrderCoupon Array


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
auto_margin_call AutoMarginCall Y - AutoMarginCall
channel_id string N - Channel id
coupons array N - []Coupon
init_loan_amount decimal N - Initial loan amount
init_ltv decimal Y - Initial ltv
init_pledge_amount decimal N - Initial pledge amount
interest_rate decimal Y - Interest rate
loan_currency string Y - Loan currency
loan_term_count integer Y - Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Y - LoanTermUnit
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
product_id string Y - Product id
renew integer Y - Automatic renew [1-No; 2-Yes]
repay_method RepayMethod Y - RepayMethod
zone_offset_seconds integer Y - Seconds of current time zone offset
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
pledge_amount decimal Y - Pledge amount
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string",
    "serial_no": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
serial_no string Serial no.


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
base_currency string Y - Base currency
quota_currency string Y - Quota currency
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "coin_exchange": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
coin_exchange decimal Exchange rate


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "loan_coins": [
      "pledge_coins": [
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
loan_coins array []string, Loan currencies
pledge_coins array []string, Pledge currencies


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "ltv": 0,
    "order_id": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
ltv decimal Ltv


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total_quota": 1000,
    "used_quota": 900,
    "used_left_quotaquota": 100
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
total_quota decimal Total quota
used_quota decimal Used quota
left_quota decimal Left quota


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
types array N - Operation record type
offset integer N - Page offset
limit integer Y - Page limit
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "list": [
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        "filled_amount": 0,
        "loan_currency": "string",
        "pledge_currency": "string",
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  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
list array list
list.updated_at integer Update time
list.type OpRecordType OpRecordType
list.amount decimal Amount
list.currency string Currency
list.closeout_price decimal Closeout price
list.profit_refund decimal Profit refund
list.repay_amount decimal Repay amount
list.risk_reserve decimal Risk reserve
list.filled_amount decimal Filled amount
list.exchange_rate decimal Exchange rate
list.loan_currency string Loan currency
list.pledge_currency string Pledge currency
total integer Total count


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product id
ltv decimal Y - Ltv
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "pledge_max": 0,
    "pledge_min": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
pledge_min decimal Min pledge
pledge_max decimal Max pledge


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
redeem_pledge_currency string Y - Redeem pledge currency
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "max_redeem_pledge_amount": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
max_redeem_pledge_amount decimal Max redeem pledge amount


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
serial_no string Y - serial no.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "pledge_amount": 0,
    "pledge_currency": "string",
    "status": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
pledge_amount decimal Pledge amount
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
status integer Status [1-Unfinished; 2-Success; 3-Failed]


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
offset integer N - Page offset
limit integer Y - Page limit
curl ""
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  "data": {
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            "accrual_interest": 0,
            "accrual_penalty_interest": 0,
            "accrued_time": 0,
            "dis_off_interest_by_amount_coupon": 0,
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            "dis_off_penalty_interest_by_rate_coupon": 0,
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            "id": 0,
            "interest_rate": 0,
            "no": 0,
            "order_id": "string",
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            "status": 0,
            "user_id": "string"
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        "status_before": 0,
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      "total": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
list array []Order
total integer Total count


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "amount": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
amount decimal Add pledge amount


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
pledge_amount decimal Y - Pledge amount
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string",
    "serial_no": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
serial_no string Serial no.


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
auto_margin_call AutoMarginCall Y - AutoMarginCall
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
renew integer Y - Renew open? [1-Close; 2-Open]
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string",
    "status": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
status OrderStatus OrderStatus


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
pledge_amount decimal Y - Pledge amount
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "after_ltv": 0,
    "alert_price": 0,
    "alert_price_diff_rate": 0,
    "closeout_price": 0,
    "closeout_price_diff_rate": 0,
    "rate": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
after_ltv decimal New ltv after add pledge
alert_price decimal New alert price after add pledge
alert_price_diff_rate decimal Alert price diff rate
closeout_price decimal New closeout price after app pledge
closeout_price_diff_rate decimal Closeout price diff rate
rate decimal Current exchange rate (pledge_currency/loan_currency)


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y - Product id
pledge_amount decimal Y - Pledge amount
ltv decimal Y - Ltv
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "loan_amount": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
loan_amount decimal Loan amount


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y - Product id
loan_amount decimal Y - Loan amount
ltv decimal Y - Ltv
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "pledge_amount": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
pledge_amount decimal Pledge amount


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
pledge_amount decimal Y - Pledge amount
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "after_ltv": 0,
    "alert_price": 0,
    "alert_price_diff_rate": 0,
    "closeout_price": 0,
    "closeout_price_diff_rate": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
after_ltv decimal New ltv after redeem pledge
alert_price decimal New alert price after redeem pledge
alert_price_diff_rate decimal Alert price diff rate
closeout_price decimal New closeout price after redeem pledge
closeout_price_diff_rate decimal Closeout price diff rate


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
interest_renew InterestRenewType Y - InterestRenewType
channel_id string N - Channel id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "default_loan_term_count": 0,
    "default_loan_term_unit": 0,
    "default_repay_method": 0,
    "end_time": 0,
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    "product_type": 0,
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Parameter Name Type Description
product_type ProductType ProductType
loan_currency string Loan currency
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
order_status OrderStatus OrderStatus
pledge_amount decimal Pledge amount
left_repay_amount decimal Left repay amount
end_time integer Expired time
left_repay_principal decimal Left repay principal
left_repay_interest decimal Left repay interest
left_repay_penalty decimal Left repay penalty interest
default_repay_method RepayMethod RepayMethod
default_loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit LoanTermUnit
default_loan_term_count integer Default loan term count
repay_methods array repay_methods
repay_methods.repay_method RepayMethod RepayMethod
loan_terms array loan_terms
loan_terms.loan_term_count integer Loan term count
loan_terms.loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit LoanTermUnit


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_method RepayMethod Y - RepayMethod
loan_term_count integer Y - Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Y - LoanTermUnit
channel_id string N - Channel id
query string N - Query
interest_renew InterestRenewType Y - InterestRenewType
curl ""
  "code": 0,
    "data": {
       "list": [
           "fixed_top": 1,
           "interest_rate": 12,
           "is_best": true,
           "loan_currency": "USDT",
           "loan_term": 12,
           "loan_term_count": 12,
           "loan_term_unit": 1,
           "ltv": 60,
           "pledge_currency": "BTC",
           "product_id": "1",
           "product_name": "1",
           "protocols": [
               "protocol_id": "string"
           "repay_method": [
               "repay_method": 0
           "risk_policy_id": 1,
           "user_group_id": 138
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
list array list
list.fixed_top integer Fixed top? [1-No; 2-Yes]
list.interest_rate decimal Interest rate
list.is_best boolean Is best recommend product?
list.loan_currency string Loan currency
list.loan_term integer Loan term
list.loan_term_count integer Loan term count
list.loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit LoanTermUnit
list.ltv decimal Ltv
list.pledge_currency string Pledge currency
list.product_id string Product id
list.product_name string Product name
list.protocols array protocols
list.protocols.protocol_id string Protocol id
list.repay_method array repay_method
list.repay_method.repay_method RepayMethod RepayMethod
list.risk_policy_id integer Risk policy id
list.user_group_id integer User group id


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_amount decimal Y - Repay amount
repay_currency string Y - Repay currency
coupons array N - []Coupon
rate_id string N - Lock rate id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string",
    "serial_no": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
serial_no string Serial no.


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_currency string Y - Repay currency
nos array Y - []
coupons array Y - []Coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
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    "loan_max_amount": 0,
    "repay_currency": "string",
    "repay_max_amount": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
exchange_rate decimal Exchange rate
loan_currency string Loan currency
loan_max_amount decimal Loan max amount
repay_currency string Repay currency
repay_max_amount decimal Repay max amount


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
serial_no string Y - Serial no.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "real_repay_amount": 0,
    "real_repay_currency": "string",
    "status": 0,
    "transfer_repay_amount": 0,
    "transfer_repay_currency": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
real_repay_amount decimal Real repay amount
real_repay_currency string Real repay currency
status RepayResultStatus RepayResultStatus
transfer_repay_amount decimal Should repay amount
transfer_repay_currency string Should repay currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_amount decimal Y - Repay amount
repay_currency string Y - Repay currency
coupons array N - []Coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "string",
    "serial_no": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
serial_no string Serial no.


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_currency string Y - Repay currency
nos array Y - []
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "max_amount": 0,
    "min_amount": 0,
    "repay_currency": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
max_amount decimal Max repay amount
min_amount decimal Min repay amount
repay_currency string Repay currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
serial_no string Y - Serial no.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "exchange_rate": 0,
    "left_pledge_amount": 0,
    "profit_refund": 0,
    "real_repay_amount": 0,
    "real_repay_currency": "string",
    "status": 0,
    "transfer_repay_amount": 0,
    "transfer_repay_currency": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
exchange_rate decimal Exchange rete
left_pledge_amount decimal Left pledge amount
profit_refund decimal Profit refund
real_repay_amount decimal Real repay amount
real_repay_currency string Real repay currency
status RepayResultStatus RepayResultStatus
transfer_repay_amount decimal Should repay amount
transfer_repay_currency string Should repay currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_amount decimal Y - Repay amount
repay_currency string Y - Repay currency
coupons array N - []Coupon
user_id string N - User id
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "exchange_rate": 0,
    "ltv": 0,
    "prepay_penalty": 0,
    "reduction_accrued_by_rate_coupon": 0,
    "reduction_unaccrued_by_rate_coupon": 0,
    "repay_amount": 0,
    "repay_currency": "string",
    "repay_interest": 0,
    "repay_penalty_interest": 0,
    "repay_principal": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
exchange_rate decimal Exchange rate
ltv decimal Ltv
prepay_penalty decimal Prepay penalty
reduction_accrued_by_rate_coupon decimal Reduction accrued interest by rate coupon
reduction_unaccrued_by_rate_coupon decimal Reduction not accrued interest by rate coupon
repay_amount decimal Repay amount
repay_currency string Repay currency
repay_interest decimal Repay interest
repay_penalty_interest decimal repay penalty interest


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - Order id
repay_amount decimal Y - Repay amount
repay_currency string Y - Repay currency
coupons array N - []Coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "ltv": 0,
    "need_release_pledge_amount": 0,
    "prepay_penalty": 0,
    "profit_refund": 0,
    "reduction_accrued_by_rate_coupon": 0,
    "reduction_unaccrued_by_rate_coupon": 0,
    "repay_amount": 0,
    "repay_currency": "string",
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    "repay_penalty_interest": 0,
    "repay_principal": 0,
    "sold_amount": 0,
    "sold_currency": "string"
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
ltv decimal Ltv
need_release_pledge_amount decimal Should release pledge amount
prepay_penalty decimal Prepay penalty amount
profit_refund decimal Profit refund
reduction_accrued_by_rate_coupon decimal Reduction accrued interest by rate coupon
reduction_unaccrued_by_rate_coupon decimal Reduction not accrued interest by rate coupon
repay_amount decimal Repay amount
repay_currency string Repay currency
repay_interest decimal Repay interest
repay_penalty_interest decimal Repay penalty interest
repay_principal decimal Repay principal
sold_amount decimal Sold amount
sold_currency string Sold currency


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
interest_rate decimal Y - Interest rate
loan_amount decimal Y - Loan amount
loan_currency string Y - Loan currency
loan_term_count integer Y - Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Y - LoanTermUnit
loan_time integer N - Loan time (Default current time)
pledge_amount decimal Y - Pledge Amount
pledge_currency string Y - Pledge currency
product_id string Y - Product id
repay_method RepayMethod Y - Repay method
coupons array N - []Coupon
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "alert_price": 0,
    "alert_price_percent_change": 0,
    "alert_time_threshold": 0,
    "closeout_level_threshold": 0,
    "closeout_price": 0,
    "closeout_price_percent_change": 0,
    "dis_sum_interest": 0,
    "encash_amount": 0,
    "loan_amount": 0,
    "loan_currency": "string",
    "pledge_currency": "string",
    "repay_plan": [
        "accrual_start_time": 0,
        "dis_off_interest": 0,
        "loan_currency": "string",
        "no": 0,
        "plan_date": 0,
        "repay_interest": 0,
        "repay_principal": 0,
        "repay_total": 0
    "sum_interest": 0
  "message": "string"

Parameter Name Type Description
alert_price decimal Alert price
alert_price_percent_change decimal Alert price change rate
alert_time_threshold integer Alert time threshold
closeout_level_threshold decimal Closeout level threshold
closeout_price decimal Closeout price
closeout_price_percent_change decimal Closeout price change rate
dis_sum_interest decimal Sum interest after discount
encash_amount decimal Encash amount
loan_amount decimal Loan amount
loan_currency string Loan currency
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
repay_plan array repay_plan
repay_plan.accrual_start_time integer Accrual interest start time
repay_plan.dis_off_interest decimal Reduction interest
repay_plan.loan_currency string Loan currency integer Repay plan no.
repay_plan.plan_date integer Repay plan date
repay_plan.repay_interest decimal Repay interest
repay_plan.repay_principal decimal Repay principal
repay_plan.repay_total decimal Total should repay
sum_interest decimal Total interest



Name Value Description
ProductTypeGeneral 1 General product
ProductTypePromotion 2 Promotion product


Name Value Description
LoanTermUnitUnknown 0 Unknown
LoanTermUnitDay 1 Day
LoanTermUnitWeek 2 Week
LoanTermUnitMonth 3 Month


Name Value Description
RepayMethodDaoQiHuanBenFuXi 1 Repayment of principal and interest at maturity
RepayMethodQianZhiShouXiDaoQiHuanBen 2 Repayment of principal due to interest collection in the previous period
RepayMethodAnQiFuXiDaoQiHuanBen 3 Interest payment on schedule and principal repayment at maturity
RepayMethodDengEBenXi 4 Equal principal and interest
RepayMethodDengEBenJin 5 Equivalent principal


Name Value Description
AutoMarginCallYes 1 Yes
AutoMarginCallNo 2 No


Name Value Description
OrderStatusInvalid 0 Disbursing
OrderStatusInit 1 Order created
OrderStatusAuditSucceed 100 Audited pass, to be pledged
OrderStatusOrderClosed 110 Canceled, order closed
OrderStatusPledgeSucceed 200 Pledge success, To be loan
OrderStatusLoanFailedLTVHigh 210 Loan failed, ltv too high
OrderStatusLoanFailedCapitalBalanceLack 250 Loan filed, lack of funds
OrderStatusLoanSucceed 400 Loan success, To be repaid, Repaying
OrderStatusOverdueRepay 410 Overdue, To be repaid
OrderStatusRepayProcessing 420 Repaying
OrderStatusCloseoutProcessing 430 Liquidating
OrderStatusPayoff 500 Repayment completed, pledge to be released
OrderStatusCloseoutUnsettle 510 Liquidated, To be settled
OrderStatusPledgeSettledFailed 540 Pledge release failed (manual processing is required)
OrderStatusZeroPledgeUnSettle 550 Pledge is 0, but not settled
OrderStatusPledgeSettled 600 Pledge released success, settled
OrderStatusCloseoutSettled 610 Liquidation settled
OrderStatusRenewSettled 620 Renew settled


Name Value Description
RenewStatusUnknown 0 Not yet applied for renewal
RenewStatusApplied 1 Renewal application submitted, awaiting approval
RenewStatusRejected 2 ARenewal application disapproved
RenewStatusAccepted 3 Renewal application approved, awaiting final Renewal APR
RenewStatusPriced 4 Renewal APR determined
RenewStatusProcessing 5 Renewal plan processing
RenewStatusSuccess 6 Renewed
RenewStatusFailed 7 Renewal failed
RenewStatusCanceled 8 Renewal cancelled


Name Value Description
PayoffTypeUnknown 0 Unknown
PayoffTypeRepay 1 Repayment settled
PayoffTypeRenew 2 Renewed settled
PayoffTypeCloseout 3 Liquidated settled


Name Value Description
ClosePolicyType_Unknown 0 Unknown
ClosePolicyType_PCP 1 Ltv monitor closeout
ClosePolicyType_MOD 2 Closeout with maximum overdue days
ClosePolicyType_PlaceHolder 3 Useless
ClosePolicyType_ATT 4 Closeout with overtime alert


Name Value Description
RepayPlanStatusNormal 1 Normal
RepayPlanStatusOverdue 2 Overdue
RepayPlanStatusPayOff 3 Settled
RepayPlanStatusDeleted 4 Deleted


Name Value Description
InterestRenewTypeRollover 1 Included in renewal principal
InterestRenewTypePaid 2 Repayment of interest


Name Value Description
CouponTypeRate 1 Discount rate
CouponTypeAmount 2 Discount amount


Name Value Description
OpRecordTypeUnknown 0
OpRecordTypeAuditPass 101
OpRecordTypeAuditReject 102
OpRecordTypeCloseoutExchangeFailed 201
OpRecordTypeCloseoutExchangeSettling 202
OpRecordTypeLevelCloseoutExchangeSettled 203
OpRecordTypeTotalCloseoutExchangeSettled 204
OpRecordTypePledgeRepayExchangeFailed 301
OpRecordTypePledgeRepayExchangeSettling 302
OpRecordTypePledgeRepayExchangeSettled 303
OpRecordTypeCancelOrder 401
OpRecordTypeFirstPledgeFailed 402
OpRecordTypeFirstPledgeSucceed 403
OpRecordTypeEncashFailed 501
OpRecordTypeEncashSucceed 502
OpRecordTypeEncashFailedForLackBalance 503
OpRecordTypeEditParam 601
OpRecordTypeOpenAutoMarginCall 602
OpRecordTypeCloseAutoMarginCall 603
OpRecordTypeReleasePledge 701
OpRecordTypeRedeemPledge 702
OpRecordTypeManualAddPledgeSucceed 703
OpRecordTypeManualAddPledgeFailed 704
OpRecordTypeAutoAddPledgeSucceed 705
OpRecordTypeAutoAddPledgeFailed 706
OpRecordTypeOpAddPledgeWaitAudit 707
OpRecordTypeOpAddPledgeAuditPass 708
OpRecordTypeOpAddPledgeAuditReject 709
OpRecordTypeOpAddPledgeSucceed 710
OpRecordTypeOpAddPledgeFailed 711
OpRecordTypeOpRedeemPledgeWaitAudit 712
OpRecordTypeOpRedeemPledgeAuditPass 713
OpRecordTypeOpRedeemPledgeAuditReject 714
OpRecordTypeOpRedeemPledgeSucceed 715
OpRecordTypeOpRedeemPledgeFailed 716
OpRecordTypeOpenRenewOrder 801
OpRecordTypeCloseRenewOrder 802
OpRecordTypeBookRenew 803
OpRecordTypeApplyRenew 804
OpRecordTypeCancelRenew 805
OpRecordTypeBalanceAutoRepay 901
OpRecordTypeBalanceManualRepay 902
OpRecordTypeRenewRepay 903
OpRecordTypeCloseoutRepay 904
OpRecordTypeOpPledgeRepayWaitAudit 905
OpRecordTypeOpPledgeRepayAuditPass 906
OpRecordTypeOpPledgeRepayAuditReject 907
OpRecordTypeOpBalanceRepayWaitAudit 908
OpRecordTypeOpBalanceRepayAuditPass 909
OpRecordTypeOpBalanceRepayAuditReject 910
OpRecordTypeOpBalanceRepay 911
OpRecordTypeOpPledgeRepay 912
OpRecordTypePledgeManualRepay 913
OpRecordTypePledgeRepayFailed 914
OpRecordTypeBindCoupons 1001
OpRecordTypeAuditBindCoupons 1002
OpRecordTypeUseRateCoupons 1003
OpRecordTypeUseAmountCoupons 1004
OpRecordTypeRejectBindCoupons 1005
OpRecordTypeCloseoutTriggered 1101
OpRecordTypeTotalCloseoutFinished 1102
OpRecordTypeLevelCloseoutFinished 1103


Name Value Description
RepayResultStatusRepaying 1 Repaying
RepayResultStatusRepaidUnPayOff 2 Repaid, unsettled
RepayResultStatusRepaidPayOff 3 Repaid, settled
RepayResultStatusFailed 4 Repay failed


Parameter Name Type Description
coupon_id string Coupon
get_type integer Coupon get type [1-By admin; 2-By self]
type integer Coupon type [1-Discount rate; 2-Discount amount]
coupon_rate decimal Discount rate
coupon_amount decimal Discount amount
coupon_detail coupon.Coupon coupon.Coupon


Parameter Name Type Description
id integer ID
order_id string Order id
product_id string Product id
user_id string User id
serial_no string Serial no.
currency string Currency
coupon_id string Coupon id
get_type integer Coupon get type [1-By admin; 2-By self]
add_time integer Use time
type integer Coupon type [1-Discount rate; 2-Discount amount]
coupon_rate decimal Discount rate
coupon_amount decimal Discount amount
lock_serial_no string Coupon lock serial no.
use_serial_no string Coupon use serial no.
rollback_serial_no string Coupon rollback serial no.
operation_id string Bind coupon operation record id
source integer Coupon source [1-User; 2-Admin; 3-System]


Parameter Name Type Description
id string ID
department integer Department
user_id string User id
promotion_id string Promotion id
template_id string Template id
template_shot string Template snapshot
online integer Online
deadline integer Deadline
created_at integer Create time
status integer Status [0-Usable; 1-Expired; 2-Used; 3-Locked]
source string Source
created_serial_no string Created serial no.
used_serial_no string Used serial no.
lock_serial_no string Locked serial no
template coupon.Template coupon.Template
currency []string Supported currency
currency_result boolean Currency validation available
amount_result boolean Order amount range verification result
product_tenor_check_result boolean Coupon product term verification result
order_type_result boolean Order type verification result
coupon_period_result boolean Coupon validity verification results


Parameter Name Type Description
id string ID
is_active integer Is active
template_shot string Template snapshot
created_on integer Create time
promotion_id string Promotion id
conditions map[string][]coupon.Condition Conditions
i18ns object i18ns
i18ns.TemplateName []coupon.TemplateName coupon.TemplateName array
i18ns.ActiveAdditionalInfo_0 []coupon.TemplateName coupon.TemplateName array
alerts object Empty object


Parameter Name Type Description
group string Group
type string Type
num integer Num
str string Str
unit string Unit


Parameter Name Type Description
Item string Item
Language string Language
Data string Data
Trigger string Trigger


Parameter Name Type Description
id integer id
product_id string Product id
product_name string Product name
product_type ProductType ProductType
order_id string Order id
user_id string User id
parent_order_id string Parent order id(From which order to renew)
channel_id string Channel id
loan_currency string Loan currency
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
init_loan_amount decimal Initial loan amount
init_pledge_amount decimal Initial pledge amount
init_ltv decimal Initial ltv
current_ltv decimal Current ltv
loan_term_count integer Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit Loan term type
repay_method RepayMethod Repay method
order_time integer Order type
pledge_time integer Pledge time
encash_time integer Time of loan success
left_repay_amount decimal Left repay amount
repaid_amount decimal Repaid amount
pledge_amount decimal Pledged amount
start_interest_time integer Interest accrual start time
end_interest_time integer Order expiration time
show_end_interest_time integer Order expiration time for show
risk_policy_id integer Risk policy id
can_redeem_line decimal Trigger redeem line
redeemed_line_max decimal Max ltv after withdrawal of pledge
alert_line decimal Alert line
alert_price decimal Alert price
closeout_line decimal Closeout line
closeout_price decimal Closeout price
auto_margin_call AutoMarginCall Is auto margin call?
last_open_auto_margin_call_time integer Last open auto margin call time
renew integer Renew open? [1-Close; 2-Open]
allow_renew boolean Allow renew?
allow_renew_interest boolean Allow renew interest?
penalty_interest_grace_period integer Grace period of penalty interest(millisecond)
penalty_interest_rate decimal Penalty interest rate
prepay_penalty_rate decimal Prepayment penalty rate
interest_rate decimal Interest rate
type integer Order type [1-Created by user; 1-Created by admin]
status OrderStatus OrderStatus
remark string Order remark
account_id integer account id
zone_offset_seconds integer Seconds of current time zone offset
renew_status RenewStatusType RenewStatusType
contract_url string Contract link
protocols string Protocols
created_at integer Create time
updated_at integer Update time
payoff_type PayoffType PayoffType
payoff_time integer Settled time
cancel_time integer Cancel time
return_pledge_amount decimal Amount of returned pledge
init_price decimal Initial price
pending_bind_coupons_op string Bind coupon to be approved
alert_status AlertStatus Alert status [1-Not alert; 2-Alerted]
alert_time integer Alert time
manual_close_trigger_line decimal Min closeout line for manual
close_policy_type ClosePolicyType ClosePolicyType
alert_time_length integer Alert duration
alert_time_threshold integer Threshold for timeout alert


Parameter Name Type Description
product_id string Product id
product_name string Product name
product_type ProductType ProductType
order_id string Order id
parent_order_id string Parent order id(From which order to renew)
top_parent_order_id string Top parent order id(First from which order to renew)
user_id string User id
op_user_id string Operation user id
channel_id string Channel id
loan_currency string Loan currency
pledge_currency string Pledge currency
init_loan_amount decimal Initial loan amount
init_pledge_amount decimal Initial pledge amount
init_ltv decimal Initial ltv
init_price decimal Initial price
loan_term_count integer Loan term count
loan_term_unit LoanTermUnit LoanTermUnit
repay_method RepayMethod RepayMethod
order_time integer Order time
pledge_time integer Pledge time
encash_time integer Loan time
release_pledge_time integer Release pledge time
payoff_time integer Settled time
payoff_type PayoffType PayoffType
alert_time integer Alert time
closeout_time integer Closeout time
cancel_time integer Cancel time
return_pledge_amount decimal Return pledge amount
start_interest_time integer Interest start time
end_interest_time integer Order expired time
show_end_interest_time integer Order expired time for show
risk_policy_id integer Risk policy id
can_redeem_line decimal Trigger redeem line
redeemed_line_max decimal Max redeem line
auto_margin_call AutoMarginCall AutoMarginCall
last_open_auto_margin_call_time integer Last open auto margin call time
renew integer Renew open? [1-Close; 2-Open]
penalty_interest_grace_period integer Grace period of penalty interest(millisecond)
penalty_interest_rate decimal Penalty interest rate
prepay_penalty_rate decimal Prepay penalty rate
interest_rate decimal Interest rate
type OrderType Order type [1-Created by user; 2-Created by admin]
status OrderStatus OrderStatus
account_id integer Account id
alert_status AlertStatus Alert status [1-Not alert; 2-Alerted]
closeout_exec_type CloseoutExecType Closeout execute type [1-Automatic; 2-Manual]
zone_offset_seconds integer Seconds of current time zone offset
renew_status RenewStatusType RenewStatusType
renew_serial_no string Renew serial no.
contract_url string Contract link
repaying_serial_no string Repaying serial no.
biz_serial_no string Business request serial
accrued_time integer Accrued time
latest_accrue_time integer Latest accrued time
status_before OrderStatus Before status
loan_currency_precision integer Loan currency precision
pledge_currency_precision integer Pledge currency precision
renew_order_id string Renew order id
migrate_from string argmnt_no before migration
is_migrating boolean Is migrating?
coupons array []OrderCoupon
repay_plans array []RepayPlan


Parameter Name Type Description
id integer ID
repay_plan_id string Repay plan id
user_id string User id
order_id string Order id
repay_currency string Repayment currency
no integer Repayment number(start from 1)
start_accrual_time integer Interest accrual time
accrued_time integer Interest accrued time
plan_date integer Repay plan date
grace_plan_date integer Repay plan date add grace period
interest_rate decimal Interest rate
reduction_of_interest_rate decimal Discount interest rate
penalty_interest_rate decimal Penalty interest rate
prepay_penalty_rate decimal Prepay penalty rate
planned_principal decimal Original should repay principal
repaid_principal decimal Repaid principal
repay_principal decimal Left should repay principal
planned_interest decimal Original should repay interest
grace_interest decimal Interest for grace period
accrual_base decimal Interest base
accrual_interest decimal Accrued interest
repaid_interest decimal Repaid interest
dis_off_interest_by_rate_coupon decimal Discount interest rate by coupon
dis_off_interest_by_amount_coupon decimal Discount interest amount by coupon
repay_interest decimal Left should repay interest
accrual_penalty_interest decimal Accrued penalty interest
repaid_penalty_interest decimal Repaid penalty interest
dis_off_penalty_interest_by_rate_coupon decimal Discount penalty interest by rate coupon
dis_off_penalty_interest_by_amount_coupon decimal Discount penalty interest by amount coupon
repay_penalty_interest decimal Left should repay interest
prepay_penalty decimal Prepay penalty
repaid_prepay_penalty decimal Repaid prepay penalty
dis_off_prepay_penalty_by_amount_coupon decimal Discount prepay penalty by amount coupon
status RepayPlanStatus RepayPlanStatus
precision integer Precision

Error Codes

Return Codes Details
0 OK.
12040001 No permission
12040002 Frequent requests, please try again later
12040003 Currency mismatch
12040004 Amount should be greater than 0
12040005 Not implemented
12040006 Query Account Bills does not match Bill
12040007 The direction of risk reserve transfer does not match
12040008 The amount does not meet the requirements
12040009 Database update has no actual update rows
12040010 Accuracy requirements mismatch
12040101 Unable to find the table that needs to be updated
12040102 For update is not used in the transaction
12040103 The process should be in a transaction
12040104 Bad transaction lock flag
12040105 placeholder
12040106 Insufficient user balance
12040107 Order cannot be repaid
12040108 Failed to process repayment
12040109 Repayment currency mismatch
12040110 Exchange rate mismatch
12040111 No permission to operate this order
12040112 Pledge currency mismatch
12040113 Repay currency invalid
12040114 The repayment amount exceeds the maximum quota
12040115 Ltv exceeds initial ltv
12040116 Repayment amount less than minimum quota
12040117 Order interest mismatch
12040118 Insufficient balance
12040119 LTV exceeds alert line
12040120 Loan amount greater than maximum quota
12040121 Loan amount less than minimum quota
12040122 Loan amount less than 0
12040123 LTV exceeds maximum quota
12040124 Exceeds maximum redeem amount
12040125 Illegal product
12040126 Product already offline
12040127 Order status do not allow set renew
12040128 Order status do not allow set automatic redeem
12040129 No matching products
12040130 Order Unapproved
12040131 Order not pledged
12040132 Order canceled
12040133 Order settled
12040134 Order cannot redeem pledge
12040135 Order redeem amount exceeds maximum quota
12040136 Order cannot pledge
12040137 Order interest changed
12040138 Pledge amount less than minimum sold amount
12040139 Insufficient pledge amount
12040140 Exceeds user quota
12040141 Repay method mismatch
12040142 Order already bound coupon
12040143 Order bind coupon exceeds quota
12040144 LTV parameter invalid
12040145 User group no permission
12040146 No permission for this product
12040147 Illegal repay method
12040148 Order is liquidating
12040149 Negative interest rate product do not support use coupons
12040150 Illegal bind coupons
12040151 Audit manual trade failed
12040152 Wrong pledge sold through manual trade
12040153 Pledge amount less than sold amount
12040154 Order is calculating interest
12040155 Repay mount greater than pledge amount
12040156 Exceeds exchange maximum quota
12040157 Repay amount too small
12040158 Repay amount less than should repay amount
12040159 No pledge amount
12040160 accrual interest time invalid
12040201 Coupon discount amount is 0
12040202 Coupon is not available
12040203 Coupon applicable product type mismatch
12040204 Coupon applicable minimum loan term mismatch
12040205 Coupon applicable maximum loan term mismatch
12040206 Coupon applicable order type mismatch
12040207 Coupon validity period mismatch
12040208 Coupon user id mismatch
12040209 Coupon overlay mismatch
12040210 Coupon currency mismatch
12040211 Coupon amount threshold mismatch
12040212 Coupon product restrict mismatch
12040213 Negative interest rate cannot use interest rate reduction coupon
12040214 Prepaid interest order cannot use interest rate reduction coupon
12040215 Prepaid interest order cannot use interest amount reduction coupon before order overdue
12040216 Negative rate order cannot use interest amount reduction coupon before order overdue
12040300 Illegal repay cycle
12040301 Fixed repayment date cannot be specified
12040302 Illegal loan term count
12040303 Illegal time zone offset value
12040400 User group of renew product mismatch
12040401 Order status mismatch
12040402 Pledge currency mismatch
12040403 Loan currency mismatch
12040404 Product channel mismatch
12040405 Need preload product association table
12040406 Product repay method mismatch
12040407 Product loan term mismatch
12040408 Product ltv mismatch
12040409 Incorrect processing method of renewal interest
12040410 Pledge amount less than or equal 0
12040411 No matching interest rate pricing
12040412 Product already offline
12040413 Exceeds maximum renewal amount quota
12040500 Overdue repayment time
12040501 Do not need audit
12040600 Accrual interest time mismatch
12040601 Loan term unit invalid
12040602 Invalid repay method
12040603 Liquidation repay error
12040604 Need preload repay plan
12040605 Repay trial parameter invalid