NAV Navbar


version time content
initial version


Only accredited investor are eligible to call this API service.


Communication Protocol

HTTPS Protocol.


The request and response data code for all interfaces is formatted according to UTF-8. Content for responses in all interfaces is formatted according to JSON.

API Request Structure

Name Description Notes
API Address Address for API interface Eg.
Public Parameters Universal parameters for all interfaces
Private Parameter Special parameters for each interface See each API interface description for details

API hosts (production)

API hosts (beta)

Public Parameters

Public parameters are used for interface authentication. Unless otherwise necessary, these parameters will be omitted for each interface. Each request must contain these parameters unless stated otherwise.

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
X-MatrixPort-Access-Key string Y 32 Access-Key given to users is contained within the http header.
X-MatrixPort-Access-Signature string Y - Request signature is used to authorize the legitimacy of the request. Contained within the http header.
timestamp int64 Y - Millisecond timestamp is contained within the http query param or body.
language-type int Y - Language type within the interface will return according to: 0=CN, 1=EN, 2= RU
x-request-id string N - Globally unique trace id, used for tracing requests

Response Format Strings

All interface response values are formatted according to JSON. Unless otherwise stated, all request return values contain the following text strings:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Interface call status, (ie. error code): 0: Normal, Others: Call error.
message string Error message is description of API errors
data object Results will return as defined by each interface


please refer to this link

T-Bills API

Add Address To Whitelist

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
address string Y address
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"address": "0xeeca0021aC37547E771185FaEaC2E44C3C0f8A27"}' ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": ""

Retrieve Address status

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Description
address string Y address
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "status": 1,
Parameter name Type Description
status int status: 0: not in whitelist, 1: processing, 2: success

Product List

curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total": 1,
    "items": [
        "product_id": "7018115337489043456",
        "product_type": "test-1",
        "subject_type": "test-1",
        "status": 2,
        "currency": "USDC",
        "payment_currency": [
        "deposit_min_amount": "233.33",
        "deposit_max_amount": "50000",
        "withdraw_min_amount": "1567.99",
        "withdraw_max_amount": "50000",
        "withdraw_service_fee": "0.01",
        "fiat_conversion_conf_list": [
            "currency": "USDT",
            "fixed_rate": "0.03",
            "confirmed_after_conversion": false
            "currency": "USDC",
            "fixed_rate": "0",
            "confirmed_after_conversion": false
            "currency": "DAI",
            "fixed_rate": "-0.02",
            "confirmed_after_conversion": true
  "message": ""

Parameter Name Type Description
product_id string Product id
product type string Product type
subject_type string Subject type
currency string Currency
payment_currency array Payment currency
profit_reserve_factor string Rebase profit reserve factor,
deposit_max_amount string Maximum amount for a single deposit
deposit_min_amount string Minimum amount for a single deposit
withdraw_max_amount string Maximum amount for a single redemption
withdraw_min_amount string Maximum amount for a single redemption
withdraw_service_fee string Service fee for redemption
confirm_time int Order confirmation time
confirm_buffer_days int Order confirmation buffer time
fiat_conversion_conf_list array
fiat_conversion_conf_list.currency string payment currency
fiat_conversion_conf_list.fixed_rate string fixed fiat conversion fee rate
fiat_conversion_conf_list.confirmed_after_conversion bool fiat conversion fee confirmed after conversion

Product Detail

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7016600587613560832
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "product_id": "7016600587613560832",
    "product_type": "T-bills",
    "subject_type": "T-bills",
    "status": 2,
    "currency": "USD",
    "payment_currency": [
    "profit_reserve_factor": "0.0012",
    "deposit_min_amount": "10",
    "deposit_max_amount": "10000000000",
    "withdraw_min_amount": "9",
    "withdraw_max_amount": "30000",
    "withdraw_service_fee": "0.0012",
    "interest_calc_cycle": 2,
    "confirm_time": 4,
    "confirm_buffer_days": 3,
    "borrow_interest_start_time": 1,
    "agreements": [
        "type": "STBT",
        "agreement": "stbt_agreement001"
    "fiat_conversion_conf_list": [
        "currency": "USDT",
        "fixed_rate": "0.03",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": false
        "currency": "USDC",
        "fixed_rate": "0",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": false
        "currency": "DAI",
        "fixed_rate": "-0.02",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": true
        "currency": "USD",
        "fixed_rate": "0",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": true
        "currency": "USDC_OP",
        "fixed_rate": "0",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": true
        "currency": "USDT_OP",
        "fixed_rate": "0",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": true
  "message": ""

Parameter Name Type Description
product_id string Product id
product type string Product type
subject_type string Subject type
currency string Currency
payment_currency array Payment currency
profit_reserve_factor string Rebase profit reserve factor,
deposit_max_amount string Maximum amount for a single deposit
deposit_min_amount string Minimum amount for a single deposit
withdraw_max_amount string Maximum amount for a single redemption
withdraw_min_amount string Maximum amount for a single redemption
withdraw_service_fee string Service fee for redemption
confirm_time int Order confirmation time
confirm_buffer_days int Order confirmation buffer time
fiat_conversion_conf_list array
fiat_conversion_conf_list.currency string payment currency
fiat_conversion_conf_list.fixed_rate string fixed fiat conversion fee rate
fiat_conversion_conf_list.confirmed_after_conversion bool fiat conversion fee confirmed after conversion

Product Statement

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7016600587613560832
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total": 1,
    "items": [
        "id": "164",
        "created_at": 1673165349646,
        "updated_at": 1673235201922,
        "statement_id": "7017764118677520384",
        "product_id": "7016600587613560832",
        "tag": 1,
        "short_uri": "6HBJpi",
        "business_time": 1673107200000
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
product_id string Product id
statement_id string Statement id
short_uri string Short uri
business_time int Business time
tag int Tag, 1(LegalDoc) 2(AuditReport) 3(Asset) 4(Other)

Product Asset

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7016600587613560832
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "portfolio_amount": "41947201.614038940608565907",
    "profit_reserve_amount": "42391.89417841",
    "depositing": "14715258177.25918073",
    "pool_balance": "0",
    "asset_nav": "174794038"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
asset_nav string Asset nav
portfolio_amount string Portfolio amount(deprecated)
profit_reserve_amount string Profit reserve amount(deprecated)
depositing string Depositing(deprecated)
pool_balance string Pool balance(deprecated)

Product apy

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7016600587613560832
start_time string Y 64 start timestamp: 1682586471266
curl ""
  "total": 75,
  "items": [
      "deposit_apy": "0",
      "asset_apy": "0",
      "average_deposit_apy": "0",
      "average_asset_apy": "0",
      "utilization_rate": "0",
      "timestamp": 1672898484000
Parameter Name Type Description
total string total amount
items array
items.deposit_apy string deposit apy
items.asset_apy string asset apy
items.average_deposit_apy string seven days average deposit apy
items.average_asset_apy int seven days average asset apy
items.utilization_rate int utilization rate
items.timestamp int rebase timestamp

Product Agreement Render

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product ID: 7016600587613560832
agreement_no string Y agreement_no
address string Y user wallet address
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{
    "product_id": "7016600587613560832",
    "agreement_no": "stbt_agreement001",
    "address": "0x079244F54519DA4e669E0a50F45AcdbCF7f32616"
    "code": 0,
    "data": "\n\[email protected]\n\nRedemption Fee Rate:0.12%\n\nManagement Fee Rate: 0.12%\n\nDeposit Amount: -\n\nToken Mint Address: 0x079244F54519DA4e669E0a50F45AcdbCF7f32616\n\n",
    "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
data string Render content

Statement Download

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
short_uri string Y 6 Short Uri: 6HBJpi
curl ""

User Address

curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "address": "xxx",
      "address_type": 0,
      "status": 0
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
address string STBT address of user
address_type int 0 Internal address 1 External address
status int 0 Pending effective 1 Effective
Parameter Name Type Description
price_id string Price ID
price string Price
expire_time int Expiration time, re-inquiry is required after expiration
filled_amount string Filled amount

User Balance

Parameter Name Type Description
currency string Currency for which the balance needs to be queried
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "user_id": "670173",
    "currency": "USDT",
    "balance": "110000897831"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
user_id string User id
currency string Currency name
balance string The balance of currency

Max Redeem Amount

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
address string Y STBT address of user
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "withdraw_max": "199.920652783018775379"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
withdraw_max string Maximum redeemable amount returns user STBT balance minus redeeming amount


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
address string Y STBT address of user
amount string Y The deposit amount, with the currency being deposit_currency
ask_price_id string Y Ask priceid, payment_currency can be left empty if it is consistent with the Currency in the product
payment_currency string Y Payment currency
product_id string Y Product id
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{
    "address": "0xeeca0021aC37547E771185FaEaC2E44C3C0f8A27",
    "amount": 100,
    "ask_price_id": "",
    "payment_currency": "USDC",
    "product_id": "7014779582435876864",

  "code": 0,
  "data": "string",
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
data string Order id

Deposit Preview

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
payment_currency string Y Payment currency during deposit
principal string Y Payment amount during deposit
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "payment_principal": "1000",
    "payment_currency": "USDT",
    "reference_apy": "0.00801327245152527107240870304965529252643224980571",
    "daily_interest": "0.02195417",
    "currency": "USD",
    "stbt_amount": "970",
    "fiat_conversion_fee": "30",
    "confirmed_after_conversion": false,
    "no_reference_apy": false,
    "no_daily_interest": false
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
payment_principal string Payment currency during deposit
payment_currency string Payment amount during deposit
reference_apy string Reference annual interest rate
daily_interest string Estimated daily interest
currency string Product currency
stbt_amount string Estimated amount of STBT to be obtained
fiat_conversion_fee string Fiat currency conversion fee
confirmed_after_conversion bool Confirmed fiat_conversion_fee after conversion
no_reference_apy bool No reference apy(true when first-time)
no_daily_interest bool No daily interest(true when first-time)


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
address string Y STBT address of user
amount string Y Redeem amount
currency string Y Redeem currency
product_id string Y Product id
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{
    "address": "0xeeca0021aC37547E771185FaEaC2E44C3C0f8A27",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "USDC",
    "product_id": "7014779582435876864",

  "code": 0,
  "data": "string",
  "message": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
data string Order id

Redeem Preview

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
principal string Y Redeem STBT amount
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "service_fee": "1.2",
    "service_fee_rate": "0.0012",
    "stbt_to_be_burnt": "1000"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
service_fee string Redeem service fee
service_fee_rate string Redeem service fee rate
stbt_to_be_burnt string Amount of STBT to be burned

Order Result

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y Order id: 7026913053715312640
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "order_id": "7026913053715312640",
    "order_type": 1,
    "amount": "99965.54888523",
    "currency": "USD",
    "status": 120,
    "address": "0x29c504a763DD25e590728a2858Bc8322B1028c21",
    "fail_msg": "0"
    "paid_amount": "120",
    "paid_currency": "USDC",
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
order_type int Order type, 1(deposit), 2(withdraw)
amount string Amount
currency string currency
address string STBT address of user
fail_msg string Fail message
status int Order status
paid_amount int paid amount
paid_currency int paid currency

Query Order

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
address string Y STBT address of user
limit int Y Quantity per page
offset int Y Offset
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total": 1,
    "items": [
        "order_id": "7029268679816749056",
        "order_type": 1,
        "order_status": 60,
        "paid_amount": "100000",
        "paid_currency": "USDC",
        "deposit_amount": "100000",
        "deposit_currency": "USDC",
        "redeem_amount": "0",
        "stbt_amount": "100000",
        "settlement_amount": "0",
        "settlement_currency": "",
        "service_fee_rate": "0",
        "service_fee_amount": "0",
        "trading_loss_rate": "0",
        "trading_loss_amount": "0",
        "deposit_fee_rate": "0",
        "deposit_fee_amount": "0",
        "fiat_conversion_fee_rate": "0",
        "fiat_conversion_fee_amount": "0",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": false,
        "create_time": 1675908250769,
        "stbt_done_time": 1675908978065,
        "settle_time": 0,
        "address": "0x9F7a980DD70eCa879756c5f40e0f5ECd9455b2cB",
        "tx_hash": "0xfafac9ba1c924512227213f1e4d2986253e0b46a50fc40c1a468d5978e24b716",
        "err_code": 0,
        "err_msg": "",
        "remark_en": "",
        "remark_zhCN": "",
        "remark_zhTW": ""
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
order_type int Order type, 1(deposit) 2(withdraw)
order_status int Order status 60(finish)
paid_amount string The deposit amount, with the currency being paid_currency
paid_currency string The payment currency used for deposit
deposit_amount string The actual deposit amount, with the currency being deposit_currency
deposit_currency string The deposited currency, which should match the currency in the product
stbt_amount string The mint/burn amount of STBT
settlement_amount string Redemption settlement amount
settlement_currency string Redemption settlement currency
service_fee_amount string Redemption fee
service_fee_rate string Redemption fee rate
trading_loss_rate string Trading loss fee rate
trading_loss_amount string Trading loss fee
deposit_fee_rate string Deposit fee rate(the current value is 0)
deposit_fee_amount string Deposit fee rate(the current value is 0)
fiat_conversion_fee_rate string Fiat conversion fee rate
fiat_conversion_fee_amount string fiat conversion fee amount
confirmed_after_conversion string fiat conversion fee confirmed after conversion
create_time int Order creation time
stbt_done_time int Time of completion for STBT mint/burn
settle_time int Redemption settlement time
address string STBT address of user
tx_hash string STBT mint/burn transaction hash
create_time int Order creation time
err_code int Error code
fail_msg string Fail message
remark_en string Order Remark in en
remark_zhCN string Order Remark in zhCN
remark_zhTW string Order Remark in zhTW

Order Detail

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
id string Y order id: 7016600587613560832
curl ""
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "order_id": "7016600587613560832",
        "order_type": 2,
        "order_status": 60,
        "paid_amount": "0",
        "paid_currency": "USDC"
        "deposit_amount": "0",
        "stbt_amount": "100",
        "settlement_amount": "99.88",
        "settlement_currency": "USDC",
        "service_fee_rate": "0.0012",
        "service_fee_amount": "0.12",
        "trading_loss_rate": "0",
        "trading_loss_amount": "0",
        "deposit_fee_rate": "0",
        "deposit_fee_amount": "0",
        "fiat_conversion_fee_rate": "0",
        "fiat_conversion_fee_amount": "0",
        "confirmed_after_conversion": false,
        "create_time": 1681372873676,
        "stbt_done_time": 1681374540150,
        "settle_time": 1681375636,
        "address": "0x079244F54519DA4e669E0a50F45AcdbCF7f32616",
        "tx_hash": "0x73671a3d379a6e341d10ea0a8904ff79b0f5dcbf026897304def17026ced0843",
        "err_code": 0,
        "err_msg": "",
        "remark_en": "",
        "remark_zhCN": "",
        "remark_zhTW": ""
    "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string Order id
order_type int Order type, 1(deposit) 2(withdraw)
order_status int Order status 60(finish)
paid_amount string The deposit amount, with the currency being paid_currency
paid_currency string The payment currency used for deposit
deposit_amount string The actual deposit amount, with the currency being deposit_currency
deposit_currency string The deposited currency, which should match the currency in the product
stbt_amount string The mint/burn amount of STBT
settlement_amount string Redemption settlement amount
settlement_currency string Redemption settlement currency
service_fee_amount string Redemption fee
service_fee_rate string Redemption fee rate
trading_loss_rate string Trading loss fee rate
trading_loss_amount string Trading loss fee
deposit_fee_rate string Deposit fee rate(the current value is 0)
deposit_fee_amount string Deposit fee rate(the current value is 0)
fiat_conversion_fee_rate string Fiat conversion fee rate
fiat_conversion_fee_amount string fiat conversion fee amount
confirmed_after_conversion string fiat conversion fee confirmed after conversion
create_time int Order creation time
stbt_done_time int Time of completion for STBT mint/burn
settle_time int Redemption settlement time
address string STBT address of user
tx_hash string STBT mint/burn transaction hash
create_time int Order creation time
err_code int Error code
fail_msg string Fail message
remark_en string Order Remark in en
remark_zhCN string Order Remark in zhCN
remark_zhTW string Order Remark in zhTW

User Profit List

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
user_address string Y STBT address of user
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total_profit": "6.677478677064684797",
    "items": [
        "timestamp": 1678172688000,
        "profit": "6.677478677064684797",
        "profit_rate": "0.023968858344656375"
  "message": ""

Parameter Name Type Description
total_profit string user total profit
items array
items.timestamp int rebase timestamp
items.profit string User profit
items.profit_rate string Apy

User Brief Profit

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
user_address string Y STBT address of user
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "total_profit": "0.0",
    "latest_profit": "0.0"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
total_profit string user total profit
latest_profit string user latest profit

processing asset

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y Product id: 7016600587613560832
address string Y use address
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "depositing": "0.0",
    "withdrawing": "0.0"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
depositing string the amount being deposited
withdrawing string the amount being redeemed

Monthly Report

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "id": "128",
    "created_at": 1686124993006,
    "updated_at": 1686126331862,
    "record_id": "7072120802614792192",
    "publish_time": 1685980800000,
    "yield_to_maturity": "0",
    "thirty_day_sec_yield": "0",
    "total_asset": "0",
    "stbt_total_supply": "0",
    "weight_avg_maturity": "0",
    "asset_crash": "0",
    "file_url": "",
    "file_name": "4_1672672192548.pdf.pdf",
    "status": 2,
    "deleted_at": 0
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
id string ID
created_at integer Creates time
updated_at integer Update time
record_id string Record ID
publish_time integer Publish Time
yield_to_maturity string Yield to maturity
thirty_day_sec_yield string Thirty day sec yield
total_asset string Total asset
stbt_total_supply string STBT total supply
weight_avg_maturity string Weight avg maturity
asset_crash string Asset crash
file_url string File url
file_name string File name
status integer Monthly report record status 1(unapproved) 2(approved) 3(reject)
deleted_at integer Delete time

Error Codes

Return Codes Details
0 OK.
17002001 Parameter error.
17002012 Invalid interface authorization.
17002011 Restricted IP.
17002010 Signature error.
17002013 Invalid akid.
12140001 Params error.
12140002 Product already closed.
12140003 Amount is out of range.
12140004 Insufficient balance in wallet.
12140007 Insufficient available liquidity in pool for withdrawal.
12040013 Address is restricted from minting.
12040021 Failed to get quotation.
12040022 The payment currency is not yet supported.
12040024 Operating too frequently, please try again later.
12040025 This product does not support auto-renewal.
12040026 The order amount is inconsistent with the inquiry amount, please try again.
12040028 Sorry, your address is not in the whitelist, please contact us to add.

Order Status

Status Description
1 Initial state of the order
10 Order cancellation
60 Order completion
70 Order failure
other Processing