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Welcome to Matrixport API. You can retrieve market data, execute trades and manage your account through Matrixport API.

The document consists of three parts: table of contents for easy browsing (left), longer explanation of each API interface although they are quite self-explanatory already(middle), and example code (right)

How to contact us:
support team: [email protected]

API hosts (production)

API rate limits

In order to ensure the system efficiency, matrixport implements the API rate limits and the private interface implements user-specified frequency limitation. When a breach happens, a prompt will be returned: “429 too many requests”.


Private API mandatory fields

If authentication fails, a prompt will be returned: “AkId is invalid” and http status code is 412

Signature algorithm

    # Python code to calc Matrixport API signature
    import hashlib
    import hmac

    def encode_list(self, item_list):
        list_val = []
        for item in item_list:
            obj_val = self.encode_object(item)
        output = '&'.join(list_val)
        output = '[' + output + ']'
        return output

    def encode_object(self, param_map):
        sorted_keys = sorted(param_map.keys())
        ret_list = []
        for key in sorted_keys:
            val = param_map[key]
            if isinstance(val, list):
                list_val = self.encode_list(val)
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                # call encode_object recursively
                dict_val = self.encode_object(val)
            elif isinstance(val, bool):
                bool_val = str(val).lower()
                general_val = str(val)

        sorted_list = sorted(ret_list)
        output = '&'.join(sorted_list)
        return output

    def get_signature(self, http_method, api_path, param_map):
        str_to_sign = api_path + '&' + self.encode_object(param_map)
        print('str_to_sign = ' + str_to_sign)
        sig ='utf-8'), str_to_sign.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
        return sig

    # END

  1. Request parameters: JSON Body for POST, query string for the rest
  2. Encode string to sign, for simple json object, sort your parameter keys alphabetically, and join them with '&' like 'param1=value1&param2=value2', then get str_to_sign = api_path + '&' + 'param1=value1&param2=value2'
  3. For nested array objects, encode each object and sort them alphabetically, join them with '&' and embraced with '[', ']', e.g. str_to_sign = api_path + '&' + 'param1=value1&array_key1=[array_item1&array_item2]', see example below.
  4. Signature = hex(hmac_sha256(str_to_sign, secret_key))
  5. Add signature field to request parameter:
    for query string, add '&signature=YOUR_SIGNATURE' for JSON body, add {'signature':YOUR_SIGNATURE}

API summary

Path Method Description Scope Rate Limit Type Permission
/mapi/v1/wallet/withdraw POST withdraw private wallet wallet
/mapi/v1/wallet/withdrawals GET query withdrawal records private read read
/mapi/v1/wallet/deposits GET query deposit records private read read
/mapi/v1/wallet/balance GET query balance private read read
/mapi/v1/wallet/currencies GET query all currency info private read read
/mapi/v1/wallet/bills GET query account bills private read read



POST /mapi/v1/wallet/withdraw

curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" -d '{"currency": "BTC", "address": "Your address", "amount": "1.2", "pwd": "Your password", "timestamp": 1589523989378, "signature": "signature"}'


    "code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "withdraw_id": "b61c2b93-8a25-44d4-9715-023cce61dc50"

Withdraw address need to be whitelisted first.
Password need to be encoded to base64(sha256(pwd)). For example, if password is 123456, the encoded password will be:jZae727K08KaOmKSgOaGzww/XVqGr/PKEgIMkjrcbJI=

Query Parameter

Parameter Type Required Default Description
currency string true "" Currency, BTC
address string true "" Withdrawal address
amount string true "" Withdrawal amount
pwd string true "" Fund password
chain string false "" ETH for USDTERC, TRX for USDTTRC
tag string false ""


Name Type Description
withdraw_id string Withdraw ID

Withdrawal history

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/withdrawals

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "items": [{
            "address": "mfaFpdVCb6UFS5AXUhC8VGXgj9dnJ37nLP",
            "amount": "0.001",
            "code": 0,
            "confirmations": 0,
            "currency": "BTC",
            "fee": "0.00001",
            "state": "confirmed",
            "transaction_id": "52e1537002f51acbf5f52b9dfeab6a9e7cc185a669cda2573e768420b0839523",
            "created_at": 1608606000000,
            "updated_at": 1608606000000,
            "is_onchain": true
        }, {
            "address": "mfaFpdVCb6UFS5AXUhC8VGXgj9dnJ37nLP",
            "amount": "0.11",
            "code": 13100100,
            "confirmations": 0,
            "currency": "BTC",
            "fee": "0.00001",
            "state": "rejected",
            "transaction_id": "",
            "created_at": 1608606000000,
            "updated_at": 1608606000000,
            "is_onchain": false

Retrieves the withdrawal records.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
currency String true "" Currency
limit int false 10 Number of requested items, Max - 50
offset int false 1 the offset for pagination


Name Type Description
code int Withdraw ID error code, 0 means normal, rest means failed
state string pending/confirmed/rejected/failed
address string Withdraw address
amount string Withdraw amount
confirmations int Confirmation counts, 0 for internal transfers since they are offchain
currency string Currency
fee string Withdraw fee
transaction_id string Transaction hash
created_at int Timestamp of the order created
updated_at int Timestamp of the order updated
is_onchain bool Whether the order is onchain

Deposits history

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/deposits

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "items": [{
            "address": "mfaFpdVCb6UFS5AXUhC8VGXgj9dnJ37nLP",
            "amount": "0.001",
            "code": 0,
            "confirmations": 0,
            "currency": "BTC",
            "state": "confirmed",
            "transaction_id": "52e1537002f51acbf5f52b9dfeab6a9e7cc185a669cda2573e768420b0839523",
            "created_at": 1608606000000,
            "updated_at": 1608606000000,
            "is_onchain": true

Retrieves the deposit records.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
currency String true "" Currency
limit int false 10 Number of requested items, Max - 50
offset int false 1 the offset for pagination


Name Type Description
code int Deposit error code, 0 means normal, rest means failed
state string mempool/rollback/pending/confirmed/rejected
address string Deposit address
amount string Deposit amount
confirmations int Confirmation counts, 0 for internal transfers since they are offchain
currency string Currency
transaction_id string Transaction hash
created_at int Timestamp of the order created
updated_at int Timestamp of the order updated
is_onchain bool Whether the order is onchain

Currency list

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/currencies

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "currencies": [{
            "currency": "BTC",
            "chains": ["BTC"],

Get all the currencies.

Query parameters



Name Type Description
currency string currency
chains []string chains

Wallet balance

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/balance

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "items": [{
            "currency": "BTC",
            "balance": "1.2",
            "available_balance": "1.2",
            "frozen_balance": "0",
            "unconfirmed_balance": "0.5"

Retrieves the balances.

Query parameters



Name Type Description
currency string currency
balance string balance
available_balance string available balance
frozen_balance string frozen balance
unconfirmed_balance string unconfirmed balance

Get deposit address

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/deposit-address

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "address": "0xF2Bd6Bb7B22875Ac582Ec1A718F63b532045401D",
        "memo": ""

Get the deposit address.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
currency String true "" Currency
chain string true "" chain


Name Type Description
address string deposit address
memo string memo, if needed

Query bills

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/bills

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
       "next_id": "123",
        "bills": [{
            "currency": "BTC",
            "balance": "1.2",
            "sn": "200392005083904086016",
            "timestamp": "1652712901013",
            "amount": "0.5",
            "direction": 1,
            "tx_type": "2046"

Retrieves the bills.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
currency String false "" Currency
limit int false 10 Number of requested items, Max - 50
start_time_ms int false 0 the start time in millisecond
end_time_ms int false 0 the end time in millisecond
start_id string false 0 the start id


Name Type Description
currency string currency
sn string the bill's serial number
timestamp string timestamp
amount string amount of the order
balance string balance after this order
direction int 1: transfer-in 2: transfer-out
tx_type string type of the bill

Get withdraw fee

GET /mapi/v1/wallet/withdraw-fees

curl -H "X-MatrixPort-Access-Key: Your Access Key" ""


    "code": 0,
    "data": {
       "fee": "0.01"

Get withdraw fee.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
currency String true Currency
chain string true chain
amount string true withdraw amount


Name Type Description
fee string fee

tx_type description

Name Description
2002 Withdraw
2003 Transfer In
2004 Transfer Out
2005 Receive
2006 Pay
2007 Buy
2008 Sell
2009 OTC Buy
2010 OTC Sell
2011 Borrow
2012 Lend
2013 Reward
2014 Expense
2015 Liquidation Short
2016 Liquidation Long
2031 Insurance Fund Compensation Deduction
2002 Withdraw
2003 Transfer In
2004 Transfer Out
2005 Receive
2006 Pay
2007 Buy
2008 Sell
2009 OTC Buy
2010 OTC Sell
2011 Borrow
2012 Lend
2013 Reward
2014 Expense
2015 Liquidation Short
2016 Liquidation Long
2017 Loan Repayment
2018 Repay Loan Interest
2019 Leverage Funding
2020 Leverage Repay
2021 Repay Leverage Princpal
2022 Repay Leverage Interest
2023 Refund
2024 Repayment Credited
2025 Collateral Outflow
2026 Collateral credited
2027 Service Fee
2028 Platform Service Fee
2029 Insurance Fund Deduction
2030 Insurance Fund Credited
2031 Insurance Fund Compensation Deduction
2032 Insurance Fund Compensation Credit
2033 Liquidation Surplus Refund
2034 Liquidation Surplus Credit
2035 Collateral Deduction
2036 Collateral Credited
2037 Collateral Credit
2038 Collateral Release
2039 Collateral Liquidation
2041 Refund
2046 Product Purchase
2047 Product Settlement
2048 Product Refund
2050 Locking-Rate Credited
2051 Locking-Rate Deduction
2052 Locking-Rate Settlement Transfer out
2053 Locking-Rate Settlement Transfer in
2054 Advance Funds Repayment Transfer in
2055 Advance Funds Repayment Transfer out
2056 Payment Return to ABS Transfer Out
4004 Transaction Refund
2036 Collateral Credited
2037 Collateral Credit
2038 Collateral Release
2039 Collateral Liquidation
2039 Collateral Liquidation
2041 Refund
2046 Product Purchase
2047 Product Settlement
2048 Product Refund
2050 Locking-Rate Credited
2051 Locking-Rate Deduction
2052 Locking-Rate Settlement Transfer out
2053 Locking-Rate Settlement Transfer in
2054 Advance Funds Repayment Transfer in
2055 Advance Funds Repayment Transfer out
2056 Payment Return to ABS Transfer Out
2057 Payment Return to ABS Transfer In
2058 Payment Return Transfer Out
2059 Asset Redemption
2060 Assignment Settlement Transfer Out
2061 Assignment Receivable
2062 Assignment Refund Transfer Out
2063 Assignment Refund
2064 Renew Interest Transfer In
4004 Transaction Refund
4006 Collateral Repay
2066 Collateral Deduction
2069 Collateral Refund
3000 Other
2001 Deposit
4005 Transaction Refund
3001 Transfer In
3002 Transfer Out
3003 Transfer In
3004 Transfer Out
3005 Transfer In
3006 Transfer Out
3007 Transfer In
3008 Transfer Out
3009 Transfer In
3010 Transfer Out
2065 Renew Interest Transfer Out
2067 Collateral Deduction in
2068 Collateral Refund out
2070 Income Deduction out
2071 Income Deduction in
2080 Pay-Center Settlement Transfer out
2081 Pay-Center Settlement Transfer in
2110 Zero Interest Borrow
2112 Zero Interest Repay
2114 Zero Interest Settle
2119 Zero Interest Liquidation Refund In
2202 Fixed Income Investment
2084 Margin Transfer Out
2087 Leverage Settle In
2099 liquidation In
2101 Margin Refund In
2126 Add Margin Out
2401 DeFi investment transfer out
2404 DeFi token issuance transfer in
2406 DeFi withdrawal transfer in
2407 DeFi token withdrawal transfer out
2501 Wealth investment transfer out
2504 Wealth settlement transfer in
2409 Currency investment transfer out
2412 Currency redeem transfer in
2413 Currency redeem fee transfer out
2416 Currency refund transfer in
2508 Wealth refund transfer in
2142 Fund Investment
2145 Cancelled Fund Investment
2147 Fund Redemption
2154 Distribution
2156 Fundraising Period Revenue
2134 Leverage Ballance Repay
2137 Leverage Ballance Repay Refund
2139 Leverage Withdraw
2506 Wealth redeem transfer in
2525 Flexi Saving Deposit Out
2526 Flexi Saving Deposit In
2527 Flexi Saving Withdraw Out
2528 Flexi Saving Withdraw In
2529 Flexi Saving Borrow Transfer Out
2530 Flexi Saving Borrow Transfer In
2531 Flexi Saving Repay Transfer Out
2532 Flexi Saving Repay Transfer In
2533 Fixed Income Investment
2534 Fixed Income Investment In
2536 Fixed Income Redeem
2535 Fixed Income Redeem Out
2538 Fixed Income Settle
2537 Fixed Income Settle Out
2540 Fixed Income Refund
2539 Fixed Income Refund Out
2509 Trend refund transfer out
2510 Trend refund transfer in
2511 Trend Fundraising Period Revenue out
2512 Trend Fundraising Period Revenue
2513 Trend investment transfer out
2514 Trend investment transfer in
2515 Trend settlement transfer out
2516 Trend settlement transfer in
2517 Trend redeem transfer out
2518 Trend redeem transfer in
2545 ETH 2.0 investment transfer out
2546 ETH 2.0 investment transfer in
2547 ETH 2.0 settlement transfer out
2548 ETH 2.0 settlement transfer in
2549 ETH 2.0 redeem transfer out
2550 ETH 2.0 redeem transfer in
2551 Range Sniper investment
2552 Range Sniper investment transfer in
2553 Range Sniper settlement
2554 Range Sniper settlement transfer in
2555 Buy via Auto-Invest
2556 Pay for Auto-Invest
2633 Red envelope expenditure
2634 Red envelope credited
2542 Commission
2544 Commission
2559 Buy-below-market investment
2560 Buy-below-market investment transfer in
2561 Buy-below-market settlement
2562 Buy-below-market settlement transfer in
2563 Buy-below-market refund
2564 Buy-below-market refund transfer in
2565 Sell-above-market investment
2566 Sell-above-market investment transfer in
2567 Sell-above-market settlement
2568 Sell-above-market settlement transfer in
2569 Sell-above-market refund
2570 Sell-above-market refund transfer in
2572 create grid trading
2571 close grid trading