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Communication Protocol

HTTPS Protocol.


The request and response data code for all interfaces is formatted according to UTF-8. Content for responses in all interfaces is formatted according to JSON.

API Request Structure

Name Description Notes
API Address Address for API interface Eg.
Public Parameters Universal parameters for all interfaces
Private Parameter Special parameters for each interface See each API interface description for details

API hosts (production)

API hosts (beta)

Public Parameters

Public parameters are used for interface authentication. Unless otherwise necessary, these parameters will be omitted for each interface. Each request must contain these parameters unless stated otherwise.

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
X-MatrixPort-Access-Key string Y 32 Access-Key given to users is contained within the http header.
X-MatrixPort-Access-Signature string Y - Request signature is used to authorize the legitimacy of the request. Contained within the http header.
timestamp int64 Y - Millisecond timestamp is contained within the http query param or body.
language-type int Y - Language type within the interface will return according to: 0=CN, 1=EN, 2= RU
x-request-id string N - Globally unique trace id, used for tracing requests

Response Format Strings

All interface response values are formatted according to JSON. Unless otherwise stated, all request return values contain the following text strings:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Interface call status, (ie. error code): 0: Normal, Others: Call error.
message string Error message is description of API errors
data object Results will return as defined by each interface


please refer to this link

Flexible Saving API

Currency list

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
product_type string Y 64 product type, such as flexi_saving, staking, etc.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "total_balance_amount": "0", //string, user's total balance amount
    "total_interest": "0", //string, user's total revenue amount
    "currencies": [
      //array, list of investable currencies
        "currency": "ETH", //string, currency name
        "product_type": "flexi_saving",
        "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
        "balance": "0", //string, user balance in this currency
        "deposit_apy": "0.08", //string, deposit apy
        "interest": "0" //string, user's income amount in this currency
Parameter Name Type Description
total_balance_amount string user's total balance amount
total_interest string user's total revenue amount
currencies array list of investable currencies
currencies.currency string currency name
currencies.balance string user balance in this currency
currencies.deposit_apy string deposit apy
currencies.interest string user's income amount in this currency

Currency details

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
currency string Y 64 Currency name, such as BTC, ETH, etc.
product_type string Y 64 product type, such as flexi_saving, staking, etc.
subject_type string Y 64 subject type, such as flexi_saving, staking, etc.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "agreement": "cefi_0001_agreement_test", //string, agreement name
    "apy_subscribe_setting": {
      "currency": "BTC", //string, currency name
      "product_type": "flexi_saving",
      "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
      "deposit_apy": 0,
      "enable": true,
      "notify_interval": 0
    "auto_deposit": false, //bool,Whether automatically deposit
    "auto_deposit_proportion": "1", //string, automatically saves the proportion
    "detail_url": "string",
    "inflection_apy": 0,
    "policy": {
      //object, policy details
      "allowance_threshold": 0,
      "deposit_allowance": 0,
      "exponent_base": 100000,
      "id": "string",
      "inflection_point": "0.75", //string, utilization inflection point
      "min_loan_rate": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "profit_factor": 0,
      "slope_after_point": 0,
      "slope_before_point": 0
    "redeem_all": true,
    "currency": "BTC", //string, currency name
    "product_type": "flexi_saving",
    "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
    "balance": "0", //string, user balance
    "interest": "0", //string, interest
    "yesterday_interest": "0", //string, yesterday's earnings
    "current_apy": "0.341090391338626559", //string, annualized deposit
    "loan_apy": "0.35433837792241125", //string, loan apy
    "pool_deposit": "0", //string, currency deposit
    "pool_supply": "294.703307677966421877", //string, current balance of the currency
    "product_status": 2, //string, product status 1 pending release 2 released 3 off the shelf
    "current": "0.962612047101808502", //string, capital utilization
    "product_i18ns": [
        "currency": "BTC", //string, currency name
        "product_type": "flexi_saving",
        "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
        "created_at": 0,
        "data": "string",
        "id": 0,
        "language": "string",
        "tag": "string"
Parameter Name Type Description
agreement string agreement name
apy_subscribe_setting.currency string currency name
auto_deposit bool Whether automatically deposit
auto_deposit_proportion string automatically saves the proportion
policy object policy details
policy.inflection_point string utilization inflection point
currency string currency name
balance string user balance
interest string interest
yesterday_interest string yesterday's earnings
current_apy string annualized deposit
loan_apy string loan apy
pool_deposit string currency deposit
pool_supply string current balance of the currency
product_status string product status 1 pending release 2 released 3 off the shelf
current string capital utilization
product_i18ns.currency string currency name

User available balance

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
currency string Y 64 Currency name, such as BTC, ETH, etc.
product_type string Y 64 product type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
subject_type string Y 64 subject type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "supply_min_amount": "0.1", //string, Minimum deposit amount for a single time
    "supply_max_amount": "100", //string, Maximum deposit amount at one time
    "user_supply_max_amount": "0", //string, user's maximum investment amount
    "user_available_balance": "1.1035", //string, user available balance
    "agreement": "20210325_CFI", //string, agreement name
    "reference_apy": "0.03", //string, reference apy
    "accrual_type": 2, //string, interest calculation mode, 1: simple interest, 2: compound interest
    "interest_period": 1, //string, interest period
    "questionnaire": true //string, whether to answer the questionnaire
Parameter Name Type Description
supply_min_amount string Minimum deposit amount for a single time
supply_max_amount string Maximum deposit amount at one time
user_supply_max_amount string user's maximum investment amount
user_available_balance string user available balance
agreement string agreement name
reference_apy string reference apy
accrual_type string interest calculation mode, 1: simple interest, 2: compound interest
interest_period string interest period
questionnaire string whether to answer the questionnaire


Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
amount string Y - amount
currency string Y 64 Currency name, such as BTC, ETH, etc.
product_type string Y 64 product type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
subject_type string Y 64 subject type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
order_source string Y 64 deposit order source 1 User places an order

The response fields are as follows, and the response common fields have been omitted.

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"currency":BTC,"subject_type":flexi_saving,"product_type":flexi_saving,"amount":1000000,"timestamp":1628909085000,"signature":9117bd1e5587e8318456e52e091136f1eb84ffebc1f2b9656573344962acc81a}'
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "income_distribution_time": 0, //
    "serial_number": "string", //string, serial number
    "type": 1 //int, order type, 1 (subscription type), 2 (redemption)
Parameter Name Type Description
serial_number string serial number
type int order type, 1 (subscription type), 2 (redemption)


Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
amount string Y - amount
currency string Y 64 Currency name, such as BTC, ETH, etc.
product_type string Y 64 product type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
subject_type string Y 64 subject type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
order_source string Y 64 deposit order source 1 User places an order
redeem_all boolean N - whether to redeem all

The response fields are as follows, and the response common fields have been omitted.

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"currency":BTC,"subject_type":flexi_saving,"product_type":flexi_saving,"amount":1000000,"timestamp":1628909085000,"signature":9117bd1e5587e8318456e52e091136f1eb84ffebc1f2b9656573344962acc81a}'
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "serial_number": "string", //string, serial number
    "type": 1 //int, order type, 1 (subscription type), 2 (redemption)
Parameter Name Type Description
serial_number string serial number
type int order type, 1 (subscription type), 2 (redemption)

Subscription/redemption result

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
serial_number string Y 128 serial_number returned by post method Order serial number
curl ""
  "code": 0, //int, see in error code
  "message": "xxx"
Parameter Name Type Description
code int see in error code

Query orders

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
currency string Y - currency
product_type string Y 64 product type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
subject_type string Y 64 subject type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
offset integer Y - offset
limit integer Y - Quantity per page
type integer Y - order type, 1 (deposit type), 2 (redemption)
order_source integer Y - Deposit order source 1 User places an order, 2 System places an order 3 Automatic deposit
order_status integer Y - Order status 0 means all 1 (queuing), 2 (processing), 3 (cancelled), 4 (completed)
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "count": 0, //int, count
    "orders": {
      "amount": "", //string, investment amount
      "created_at": "", //integer, creation time
      "currency": "", //string, investment currency
      "product_type": "flexi_saving",
      "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
      "order_id": "", //string, order ID
      "order_source": "", //integer, order source 1, the user places an order 2, the system places an order, 3 is automatically deposited
      "order_status": "", //integer, order status 1 (queuing), 2 (processing), 3 (cancelled), 4 (completed)
      "policy_id": "", //string, policy ID
      "redeem_all": "", //boolean, whether to redeem all
      "redeem_principal": "", //string, redemption principal
      "redeem_profit": "", //string, redemption profit
      "refund_transfer_sn": "", //string, refund serial number
      "transfer_sn": "", //string, platform transaction serial number
      "type": "", //integer, order type, 1(deposit), 2(redemption)
      "updated_at": "", //integer, update time
      "user_id": "", //string, user ID
      "agreement_status": 0,
      "biz_serial_number": "string",
      "confirmed_time": 0,
      "failed_code": 0 //integer,Error code, record the reason for order failure, refer to Error Codes
Parameter Name Type Description
count int count
orders.amount string investment amount
orders.created_at integer creation time
orders.currency string investment currency
orders.order_id string order ID
orders.order_source integer order source 1, the user places an order 2, the system places an order, 3 is automatically deposited
orders.order_status integer order status 1 (queuing), 2 (processing), 3 (cancelled), 4 (completed)
orders.policy_id string policy ID
orders.redeem_all boolean whether to redeem all
orders.redeem_principal string redemption principal
orders.redeem_profit string redemption profit
orders.refund_transfer_sn string refund serial number
orders.transfer_sn string platform transaction serial number
orders.type integer order type, 1(deposit), 2(redemption)
orders.updated_at integer update time
orders.user_id string user ID
orders.failed_code integer Error code, record the reason for order failure, refer to Error Codes

Revenue details

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
currency string N -
product_type string Y - product type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
subject_type string Y - subject type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
limit integer Y - Total amount of data displayed per page
next_timestamp integer N - When next_timestamp is 0, aggregate data including total assets, accumulated income, and yesterday's income will be displayed
period integer N - Period, the unit is days, if not passed, the default is cumulative income
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "accumulated_interest": "40.196999948", //string, total income during the period
    "currency": "USD", //string, income currency type
    "product_type": "flexi_saving",
    "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
    "next_timestamp": 1621576800000, //integer, start time of next page data
    "total_asset": "50.196999948", //string, total asset valuation
    "yesterday_interest": "0", //string, yesterday's earnings
    "interests": [
      // array, interests
        "currency": "BTC", //string, investment currency
        "interest": "0.000002188177296747", //string, interest
        "rate": "0.025", //string, age
        "timestamp": 1621576800000, //integer, interest calculation time in milliseconds
        "asset_interest": 0,
        "asset_principal": 0,
        "created_at": 0,
        "duration": 0,
        "latest": 0,
        "product_type": "flexi_saving",
        "reported": true,
        "subject_type": "flexi_saving",
        "user_id": "123456"
Parameter Name Type Description
accumulated_interest string total income during the period
currency string income currency type
next_timestamp integer start time of next page data
total_asset string total asset valuation
yesterday_interest string yesterday's earnings
interests None interests
interests.currency string investment currency
interests.interest string interest
interests.rate string age
interests.timestamp integer interest calculation time in milliseconds

Redeemable balance

Parameter Name Type Required Maximum Length Description
currency string Y - currency
product_type string Y - product type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
subject_type string Y - subject type, such as flexi_saving, etc.
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "redeem_min_amount": "0.05", //string, minimum redeem amount
    "redeem_max_amount": "0.5", //string, maximum redemption amount
    "reference_apy": "0.03", //string, reference apy
    "principal": "0", //string, currently confirmed investment principal
    "interest": "0", //string, current remaining interest
    "supply_balance": "0", //string, pool liquidity balance
    "redeem_delay_time": 0 //string, redemption delay time
Parameter Name Type Description
redeem_min_amount string minimum redeem amount
redeem_max_amount string maximum redemption amount
reference_apy string reference apy
principal string currently confirmed investment principal
interest string current remaining interest
supply_balance string pool liquidity balance
redeem_delay_time string redemption delay time

Total position

curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "total_asset": "0", //string, total position unit is USD
    "total_profit": "0" //string, total profit unit is USD
Parameter Name Type Description
total_asset string total position unit is USD
total_profit string total profit unit is USD

Error Codes

Return Codes Details
0 The interface call is successful
17002001 Verify signature parameter error
17002012 No Interface Access
17002011 IP Restricted
17002010 Signature error
17002013 akid illegal
12010001 Can't cancel
12010002 Insufficient deposit balance
12010003 Insufficient redemption amount
12010004 Parameter error
12010005 Product Restricted
12010006 The deposit has not been processed, indicating failure
12010007 Rejected, indicating failure
12010008 Refused to deposit due to full redemption
12010009 Redemption failed due to insufficient liquidity
12010010 Processing failed
12010011 Interest calculation error
12010012 The deposit redemption process is in progress, indicating that there is no result, you need to continue to inquire
12010013 No repayment required
12010014 Duplicate order
12010015 internal error