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Version Time Content
V0.1 2023 July 11 First version of Defi2 API


Communication Protocol

HTTPS Protocol.


The request and response data code for all interfaces is formatted according to UTF-8. Content for responses in all interfaces is formatted according to JSON.

API Request Structure

Name Description Notes
API Address Address for API interface Eg.
Public Parameters Universal parameters for all interfaces
Private Parameter Special parameters for each interface See each API interface description for details

API hosts (production)

API hosts (beta)

Public Parameters

Public parameters are used for interface authentication. Unless otherwise necessary, these parameters will be omitted for each interface. Each request must contain these parameters unless stated otherwise.

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
X-MatrixPort-Access-Key string Y 32 Access-Key given to users is contained within the http header.
X-MatrixPort-Access-Signature string Y - Request signature is used to authorize the legitimacy of the request. Contained within the http header.
timestamp int64 Y - Millisecond timestamp is contained within the http query param or body.
language-type int Y - Language type within the interface will return according to: 0=CN, 1=EN, 2= RU
x-request-id string N - Globally unique trace id, used for tracing requests

Response Format Strings

All interface response values are formatted according to JSON. Unless otherwise stated, all request return values contain the following text strings:

Parameter Name Type Description
code int Interface call status, (ie. error code): 0: Normal, Others: Call error.
message string Error message is description of API errors
data object Results will return as defined by each interface


please refer to this link

Defi2 API

Products List

curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "currency_list": [
    "product_list": {
      "USDT": {
        "has_max_annualized_return": true,
        "max_annualized_return": "0.11285596816932698",
        "products": [
            "id": "7064121248502018048",
            "main_product_type": 1,
            "product_alias": "Etherum_Convex_STBT_usdt",
            "project_name": "STBT-Convex-USDT-Yield",
            "strategy_id": 69296580,
            "currency": "USDT",
            "status": 2,
            "is_display": 1,
            "top_level": 0,
            "raised_amount": "5000000",
            "current_raise_amount": "1409528.660683210966718171",
            "minimum_of_purchase_amount": "20000",
            "maximum_of_purchase_amount": "0",
            "user_daily_purchase_limit": "1000000",
            "user_purchase_limit": "1000000",
            "minimum_of_redeem_share": "0.000001",
            "user_daily_daily_redeem_limit": "0",
            "black_list_user_group_id": 0,
            "white_list_user_group_id": 0,
            "daily_apy_risk_ceil": "1",
            "daily_apy_risk_floor": "-1",
            "deposit_redeem_type": 1,
            "duration_id": 24,
            "duration": {
              "id": "24",
              "created_on": 1671174220859,
              "modified_on": 1671174220859,
              "pre_unstake_days": 0,
              "deposit_day": 1,
              "deposit_time": 0,
              "deposit_limit": 0,
              "redeem_confirm_day": 2,
              "redeem_confirm_time": 0,
              "redeem_confirm_limit": 0,
              "redeem_settled_day": 2,
              "redeem_settled_time": 14400,
              "redeem_settled_limit": 0,
              "window_sync_data_day": 0,
              "window_sync_data_time": 0,
              "window_settled_day": 0,
              "window_settled_time": 0
            "performance_fee_ror": "0",
            "manage_fee_ror": "0.01",
            "deposit_ror": "0.0003",
            "deposit_fee_platform_ratio": "0",
            "deposit_fee_subsidy": 1,
            "redeem_tiered_id": 8,
            "redeem_tiered": {
              "id": 8,
              "created_on": 1671174220861,
              "modified_on": 1688703935831,
              "redeem_fee_platform_ratio": "0.5",
              "tiered_ror": [
                  "id": "16",
                  "created_on": 1671174220863,
                  "modified_on": 1688703935832,
                  "redeem_tiered_id": 8,
                  "ror": "0.0015",
                  "hold_day_left": 0,
                  "hold_day_right": -1,
                  "subsidy": 0
            "buffer_ceil": "10000",
            "buffer_floor": "1000",
            "reward_threshold": "5000",
            "i18n": [
                "id": 27,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "language": "zh-CN",
                "name": "STBT AMM on Convex 2",
                "introduction": "",
                "basic_rule": ""
            "agreements": [
                "id": 7,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "agreement": "defi2agreement"
            "labels": [
                "id": 26,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "label_id": 2,
                "label": {
                  "id": 2,
                  "label_alias": "Risk_moderate",
                  "is_tab": 1,
                  "priority_level": 9,
                  "status": 1,
                  "i18n": [
                      "id": 9,
                      "label_id": 2,
                      "language": "zh-CN",
                      "name": "风险适中"
                  "desc": [
                      "id": 9,
                      "label_id": 2,
                      "language": "zh-CN",
                      "desc": "适中的本金亏损风险,较低或没有无常损失"
                "id": 27,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "label_id": 4,
                "label": {
                  "id": 4,
                  "label_alias": "Curve",
                  "is_tab": 2,
                  "priority_level": 0,
                  "status": 1,
                  "i18n": [
                      "id": 33,
                      "label_id": 4,
                      "language": "zh-CN",
                      "name": "Curve"
                  "desc": [
                      "id": 33,
                      "label_id": 4,
                      "language": "zh-CN",
                      "desc": "Curve 是 DeFi 领先的 AMM(自动做市商)。 数百个流动资金池已经通过 Curve 的 Factory 启动,并受到 Curve 的 DAO 的激励。 用户依靠 Curve 的专有公式在 ERC-20 代币之间提供高流动性、低滑点、低费用交易。"
                "id": 28,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "label_id": 5,
                "label": {
                  "id": 5,
                  "label_alias": "Convex",
                  "is_tab": 2,
                  "priority_level": 0,
                  "status": 1,
                  "i18n": [
                      "id": 37,
                      "label_id": 5,
                      "language": "zh-CN",
                      "name": "Convex"
                  "desc": [
                      "id": 37,
                      "label_id": 5,
                      "language": "zh-CN",
                      "desc": "Convex 允许 流动性提供者在不锁定 CRV 的情况下赚取交易费并获得提升的 CRV。 流动性提供者可以毫不费力地获得更多的 CRV 和流动性挖矿奖励。"
            "explains": [],
            "strategy_explains": [
                "id": 27,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "language": "zh-CN",
                "introduction": "您的存款将被存入 Curve STBT/3CRV 池中以获得  STBT3CRV-f 作为以太坊上的 LP 代币,然后 BUSD3CRV-f 将被质押在 Convex STBT+3CRV 流动性挖矿池中,获得平台的激励代币包括 CRV 和 CVX。赚取的代币被换成更多的基础资产,以获得更多的  STBT3CRV-f 代币。 新的 BUSD3CRV-f 代币被添加到流动性挖矿池以完成复利周期。"
            "strategy_evaluations": [
                "id": 33,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "evaluation": [
                    "id": 129,
                    "strategy_evaluation_id": 33,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "score": "6",
                    "comment": "流动性"
                "id": 34,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "evaluation": [
                    "id": 133,
                    "strategy_evaluation_id": 34,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "score": "8",
                    "comment": "收益率"
                "id": 35,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "evaluation": [
                    "id": 137,
                    "strategy_evaluation_id": 35,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "score": "8",
                    "comment": "稳定性"
                "id": 36,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "evaluation": [
                    "id": 141,
                    "strategy_evaluation_id": 36,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "score": "6",
                    "comment": "受欢迎程度"
                "id": 37,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "evaluation": [
                    "id": 145,
                    "strategy_evaluation_id": 37,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "score": "6",
                    "comment": "久经实战检验"
            "safety_score": "0",
            "strategy_feature": [
                "id": 34,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 133,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 34,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 1,
                    "comment": "预期无常损失较低"
                "id": 35,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 137,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 35,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 1,
                    "comment": "基于知名 DeFi 协议"
                "id": 36,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 141,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 36,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 2,
                    "comment": "进出有一定的滑点"
                "id": 37,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 145,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 37,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 1,
                    "comment": "底层资产知名度高"
                "id": 38,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 149,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 38,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 2,
                    "comment": "预期回报率较低"
                "id": 39,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 153,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 39,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 2,
                    "comment": "底层稳定币脱钩风险"
                "id": 40,
                "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
                "feature": [
                    "id": 157,
                    "strategy_feature_id": 40,
                    "language": "zh-CN",
                    "attributes": 2,
                    "comment": "合约风险(Curve/Convex)"
            "start_closed_time": 0,
            "annualized_return": "0.11285596816932698",
            "has_annualized_return": true,
            "last_nav_time": 1689120000000,
            "last_nav": "1.015884345405115113",
            "last_apy": "0.11285596816932698",
            "tvl": "1242919.894502986570913455",
            "team_id": 1,
            "team_info": {
              "id": 1,
              "name": "Matrixport",
              "link": "",
              "team_type": 1,
              "team_uid": "",
              "limit_withdraw": 0
            "team_hold_ratio": "0"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
currency_list array currency list eg: ["USDT"]
product_list object product list
has_max_annualized_return boolean has max annualized return
max_annualized_return number max annualized
products array products
annualized_return number other info
black_list_user_group_id integer black list user group id
buffer_ceil number buffer ceil
buffer_floor number buffer floor
currency string currency
current_raise_amount number current raise amount
daily_apy_risk_ceil number daily apy risk ceil
daily_apy_risk_floor number daily apy risk floor
deposit_fee_platform_ratio number deposit fee platform ratio
deposit_fee_subsidy integer deposit fee subsidy
deposit_redeem_type integer deposit redeem type
deposit_ror number deposit ror
duration_id integer duration id
has_annualized_return boolean has annualized return
id string product id
last_apy number last apy
last_nav number last nav
last_nav_time integer last nav time
manage_fee_ror number manage fee ror
maximum_of_purchase_amount number maximum of purchase amount
minimum_of_purchase_amount number minimum of purchase amount
minimum_of_redeem_share number minimum of redeem share
performance_fee_ror number performance fee ror
product_alias string product alias name
project_name string project name
raised_amount number raised amount
redeem_tiered_id integer redeem tiered id
reward_threshold number reward threshold
safety_score number safety score
status integer status
team_hold_ratio number team hold ratio
team_id integer team id
tvl number tvl
user_daily_daily_redeem_limit number user daily redeem limit
user_daily_purchase_limit number user daily purchase limit
user_purchase_limit number user purchase limit
white_list_user_group_id integer white list user group id

Products Details

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7064121248502018048
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "id": "7064121248502018048",
    "main_product_type": 1,
    "product_alias": "Etherum_Convex_STBT_usdt",
    "project_name": "STBT-Convex-USDT-Yield",
    "strategy_id": "69296580",
    "currency": "USDT",
    "status": 2,
    "is_display": 1,
    "raised_amount": "5000000",
    "current_raise_amount": "2309659.079473210966718171",
    "minimum_of_purchase_amount": "20000",
    "maximum_of_purchase_amount": "0",
    "user_daily_purchase_limit": "1000000",
    "user_purchase_limit": "1000000",
    "minimum_of_redeem_share": "0.000001",
    "user_daily_redeem_limit": "5000000",
    "deposit_redeem_type": 1,
    "duration_id": 24,
    "duration": {
      "id": "24",
      "created_on": 1671174220859,
      "modified_on": 1671174220859,
      "pre_unstake_days": 0,
      "deposit_day": 1,
      "deposit_time": 0,
      "deposit_limit": 0,
      "redeem_confirm_day": 2,
      "redeem_confirm_time": 0,
      "redeem_confirm_limit": 0,
      "redeem_settled_day": 2,
      "redeem_settled_time": 14400,
      "redeem_settled_limit": 0,
      "window_sync_data_day": 0,
      "window_sync_data_time": 0,
      "window_settled_day": 0,
      "window_settled_time": 0
    "performance_fee_ror": "0",
    "manage_fee_ror": "0.01",
    "deposit_ror": "0.0003",
    "deposit_fee_platform_ratio": "0",
    "deposit_fee_subsidy": 1,
    "redeem_tiered_id": 8,
    "redeem_tiered": {
      "id": 8,
      "created_on": 1671174220861,
      "modified_on": 1688703935831,
      "redeem_fee_platform_ratio": "0.5",
      "tiered_ror": [
          "id": "16",
          "created_on": 1671174220863,
          "modified_on": 1688703935832,
          "redeem_tiered_id": 8,
          "ror": "0.0015",
          "hold_day_left": 0,
          "hold_day_right": -1,
          "subsidy": 0
    "i18n": [
        "id": 27,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "language": "zh-CN",
        "name": "STBT AMM on Convex 2",
        "introduction": "",
        "basic_rule": ""
    "agreements": [
        "id": 7,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "agreement": "defi2agreement"
    "labels": [
        "id": 26,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "label_id": 2,
        "label": {
          "id": 2,
          "label_alias": "Risk_moderate",
          "is_tab": 1,
          "priority_level": 9,
          "status": 1,
          "i18n": [
              "id": 9,
              "label_id": 2,
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "name": "风险适中"
          "desc": [
              "id": 9,
              "label_id": 2,
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "desc": "适中的本金亏损风险,较低或没有无常损失"
        "id": 27,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "label_id": 4,
        "label": {
          "id": 4,
          "label_alias": "Curve",
          "is_tab": 2,
          "priority_level": 0,
          "status": 1,
          "i18n": [
              "id": 33,
              "label_id": 4,
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "name": "Curve"
          "desc": [
              "id": 33,
              "label_id": 4,
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "desc": "Curve 是 DeFi 领先的 AMM(自动做市商)。 数百个流动资金池已经通过 Curve 的 Factory 启动,并受到 Curve 的 DAO 的激励。 用户依靠 Curve 的专有公式在 ERC-20 代币之间提供高流动性、低滑点、低费用交易。"
        "id": 28,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "label_id": 5,
        "label": {
          "id": 5,
          "label_alias": "Convex",
          "is_tab": 2,
          "priority_level": 0,
          "status": 1,
          "i18n": [
              "id": 37,
              "label_id": 5,
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "name": "Convex"
          "desc": [
              "id": 37,
              "label_id": 5,
              "language": "zh-CN",
              "desc": "Convex 允许 流动性提供者在不锁定 CRV 的情况下赚取交易费并获得提升的 CRV。 流动性提供者可以毫不费力地获得更多的 CRV 和流动性挖矿奖励。"
    "explains": [],
    "strategy_explains": [
        "id": 27,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "language": "zh-CN",
        "introduction": "您的存款将被存入 Curve STBT/3CRV 池中以获得  STBT3CRV-f 作为以太坊上的 LP 代币,然后 BUSD3CRV-f 将被质押在 Convex STBT+3CRV 流动性挖矿池中,获得平台的激励代币包括 CRV 和 CVX。赚取的代币被换成更多的基础资产,以获得更多的  STBT3CRV-f 代币。 新的 BUSD3CRV-f 代币被添加到流动性挖矿池以完成复利周期。"
    "strategy_evaluations": [
        "id": 33,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "evaluation": [
            "id": 129,
            "strategy_evaluation_id": 33,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "score": "6",
            "comment": "流动性"
        "id": 34,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "evaluation": [
            "id": 133,
            "strategy_evaluation_id": 34,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "score": "8",
            "comment": "收益率"
        "id": 35,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "evaluation": [
            "id": 137,
            "strategy_evaluation_id": 35,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "score": "8",
            "comment": "稳定性"
        "id": 36,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "evaluation": [
            "id": 141,
            "strategy_evaluation_id": 36,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "score": "6",
            "comment": "受欢迎程度"
        "id": 37,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "evaluation": [
            "id": 145,
            "strategy_evaluation_id": 37,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "score": "6",
            "comment": "久经实战检验"
    "safety_score": "0",
    "strategy_feature": [
        "id": 34,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 133,
            "strategy_feature_id": 34,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 1,
            "comment": "预期无常损失较低"
        "id": 35,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 137,
            "strategy_feature_id": 35,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 1,
            "comment": "基于知名 DeFi 协议"
        "id": 37,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 145,
            "strategy_feature_id": 37,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 1,
            "comment": "底层资产知名度高"
        "id": 36,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 141,
            "strategy_feature_id": 36,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 2,
            "comment": "进出有一定的滑点"
        "id": 38,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 149,
            "strategy_feature_id": 38,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 2,
            "comment": "预期回报率较低"
        "id": 39,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 153,
            "strategy_feature_id": 39,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 2,
            "comment": "底层稳定币脱钩风险"
        "id": 40,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "feature": [
            "id": 157,
            "strategy_feature_id": 40,
            "language": "zh-CN",
            "attributes": 2,
            "comment": "合约风险(Curve/Convex)"
    "deposit_window": null,
    "redeem_window": null,
    "risk_profile": [
        "id": 8,
        "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
        "language": "zh-CN",
        "introduction": ""
    "historic_indicator": [],
    "team_id": 1,
    "team_info": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Matrixport",
      "link": "",
      "team_type": 1,
      "team_uid": "",
      "limit_withdraw": 0
    "start_closed_time": 0,
    "team_hold_ratio": "0"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
id string product id
annualized_return number other info
black_list_user_group_id integer black list user group id
buffer_ceil number buffer ceil
buffer_floor number buffer floor
currency string currency
current_raise_amount number current raise amount
daily_apy_risk_ceil number daily apy risk ceil
daily_apy_risk_floor number daily apy risk floor
deposit_fee_platform_ratio number deposit fee platform ratio
deposit_fee_subsidy integer deposit fee subsidy
deposit_redeem_type integer deposit redeem type
deposit_ror number deposit ror
duration_id integer duration id
has_annualized_return boolean has annualized return
last_apy number last apy
last_nav number last nav
last_nav_time integer last nav time
manage_fee_ror number manage fee ror
maximum_of_purchase_amount number maximum of purchase amount
minimum_of_purchase_amount number minimum of purchase amount
minimum_of_redeem_share number minimum of redeem share
performance_fee_ror number performance fee ror
product_alias string product alias name
project_name string project name
raised_amount number raised amount
redeem_tiered_id integer redeem tiered id
reward_threshold number reward threshold
safety_score number safety score
status integer status
team_hold_ratio number team hold ratio
team_id integer team id
tvl number tvl
user_daily_daily_redeem_limit number user daily redeem limit
user_daily_purchase_limit number user daily purchase limit
user_purchase_limit number user purchase limit
white_list_user_group_id integer white list user group id

User Product Quota

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7064121248502018048
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "hold_amount": "0",
    "hold_share": "0",
    "redeeming_share": "0",
    "minimum_of_purchase_amount": "20000",
    "minimum_of_redeem_share": "0.000001",
    "available_deposit_quota": "1000000",
    "available_redeem_quota": "0"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
available_deposit_quota number available deposit quota
available_redeem_quota number available redeem quota
hold_amount number hold amount
hold_share number hold share
minimum_of_purchase_amount number minimum of purchase amount
minimum_of_redeem_share number minimum of redeem share
redeeming_share number redeeming share

Get Product Agreement

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7064121248502018048
agreement_id string Y 64 Agreement ID: defi2agreement
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": "# DEFI EARN产品协议\u003c/center\u003e\u003c/br\u003e\n\n本Defi Earn产品协议(“本协议”)由您(姓名:【       】;证件号码:【      】;Matrixport平台账号:【 [email protected]    】)(“用户”)与Matrix Mining Inc.(“Matrixport”,与您合称“双方”,单独称“一方”)订立。本协议规定了有关Defi Earn产品的条款和条件。\u003c/br\u003e\n点击“【同意】”,即表示您同意已阅读、理解并接受本协议、Matrixport平台条款和条件(“平台条款和条件”)以及我们的隐私政策(可登录获取)(“隐私政策”)。如果您对Defi Earn产品及/或本协议有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件地址【[email protected]】联系我们的客服。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第1条\tDefi Earn产品信息\u003c/br\u003e\n1.Matrixport的Defi Earn产品为您提供将您的部分或全部数字资产存入一个或多个第三方Defi及/或staking平台/协议的选择权,您可自主选择(但须遵守本协议)被质押的数字资产和所涉及的平台/协议。如果您选择将您的数字资产存入Defi Earn产品下,则在合理可行的范围内,Matrixport、其关联方或第三方将根据您的指示,代表您在适用的第三方平台/协议上存入该等数字资产。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.Matrixport有权不经另行通知用户即修改本协议(包括任何应付的奖励),且有权暂停及/或终止任何正在提供的Defi Earn产品(包括但不限于,根据适用法律或法规的要求,或对Matrixport拥有管辖权的法院、监管或监督机构的要求暂停提取数字资产)。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第2条\t用户的权利和义务\u003c/br\u003e\n用户应自行承担任何适用税费。\u003c/br\u003e\n1.用户已阅读、理解并接受本协议的条款和条件以及风险提示中载明的风险,且该等条款和条件及风险提示视为以引述的方式纳入本协议。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.用户在此做出平台条款和条件第2条(账户注册)中载明的声明和保证。\u003c/br\u003e\n3.用户应自行承担因Defi Earn产品引起的或与之相关的任何数字资产损失风险和成本,包括但不限于与涉及第三方Defi及/或staking平台/协议的任何削价或其他处罚、智能合约漏洞、价格波动或流动性问题相关的任何损失。Matrixport不承诺替换或弥补用户的数字资产所遭受的任何损失。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第3条\t存取\u003c/br\u003e\n1.您能够在任何符合Matrixport的内部流动性要求时,提取您存入Defi Earn产品的数字资产。当您发起提取请求时,Matrixport将在Matrixport平台指定的特定时限结束后确定您的提取金额并将您的数字资产退回至您账户(符合Matrixport的内部流动性要求)。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.您在此不可撤销地授权并指示Matrixrport、其关联方及/或第三方平台(视情况而定):\u003c/br\u003e\na.将您存入的数字资产转移至您所选择的第三方Defi及/或staking平台/协议。\u003c/br\u003e\nb.将您的数字资产兑换为其他数字资产,以便将兑换后的数字资产转移至第三方Defi及/或staking平台/协议。\u003c/br\u003e\nc.将您的数字资产兑换为第三方平台就Defi及/或staking活动发行的第三方代币(例如stETH)(如有),或将第三方平台就Defi及/或staking活动发行的第三方代币(例如stETH)(如有)兑换为您的数字资产。\u003c/br\u003e\nd.将Matrixport收到的与Defi及/或staking活动相关的第三方代币或奖励(例如流动性代币)变现或转换。您承认,对于Matrixport可能用于实现此类授权出售或兑换的交易所或其他第三方服务机构的选择,Matrixport拥有唯一及绝对的酌情决定权。\u003c/br\u003e\n3.Matrixport不对您存入Defi Earn产品的数字资产的任何贬值或第三方Defi及/或staking平台/协议提供的任何流动性供应商代币的贬值负责,无论是否由于其拥有的交换或出售您数字资产的能力所导致。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第4条\t收益与费用\u003c/br\u003e\n1.您的收益将由相关的平台/协议就我们代表您并按您指示转移的数字资产确定。Matrixport平台上披露的奖励率仅为估算,可能会随时间而变化。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.Matrixport将扣除以下各项费用: \u003c/br\u003e\n2.1.\t存入手续费:用户存入总额的【 】%,应于存入之日支付;\u003c/br\u003e\n2.2.\t提取手续费:以Matrixport平台上披露的阶梯费率为准,应于提取之日支付;\u003c/br\u003e\n2.3.\t平台运营费(固定):以Matrixport平台上披露的数据为准,应每日支付; \u003c/br\u003e\n2.4.\t平台运营费(浮动):以Matrixport平台上披露的数据为准,应于提取之日支付。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第5条\tStaking\u003c/br\u003e\n1.某些数字资产平台/协议要求在staking时,一定数量的数字资产须在一定时间内被限制出售或转让(即锁定)。Matrixport也可能对Defi Earn产品规定额外的锁定期。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.如果Matrixport、其关联方或该第三方成功验证一个交易区块、向网络投入资源或在相关网络上进行其他激励性活动,则您可赚得该数字资产相关网络所授予的奖励。\u003c/br\u003e\n3.某些数字资产协议向储户提供就与协议层面的问题的管治相关的事宜进行表决的能力。Matrixport可能支持,也可能不支持就您在Defi Earn产品下存入的数字资产进行表决,并且没有义务就您在Defi Earn产品下存入的数字资产进行表决或协助您进行表决。尽管有前述规定,Matrixport应有权代表您对您的数字资产进行表决,而无需征求您的指示或另行通知您。\u003c/br\u003e\n4.通过第三方平台/协议赚得的可归属于您的数字资产的收益可能会一直保持链上锁定,直至某个事件发生,例如成功验证或网络成功升级。在此事件发生之前,反映在您账户中的收益仅为估算,在锁定期结束或此事件发生之前可能无法实际获得。Matrixport不保证您会收到任何奖励。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第6条\t准据法律及司法管辖权\u003c/br\u003e\n1.本协议的签署、履行、终止和解释,均应适用巴拿马法律。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.本协议有关的任何争议,巴拿马调解仲裁中心(Panama Conciliation and Arbitration Centre,以下简称“PCAC”)按照提交仲裁时有效的PCAC规则进行仲裁裁决,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均具有约束力。同时,仲裁地点须在巴拿马,仲裁语言须为英语,仲裁庭应有三名仲裁员组成。贵司同意对仲裁进行保密,除非是为了履行任何的法定义务、为保护或行使任何的法定权利、或在合法正义的司法程序中为执行或挑战任何的裁判而对仲裁进行披露,否则仲裁必须进行严格保密。裁决败诉方还应补偿胜诉方因办理案件而产生的律师费和其他费用。\u003c/br\u003e\n\n### 第7条\t其他\u003c/br\u003e\n1.本协议项下要求或准许的任何通知、同意或者其他通信,均应为书面形式,并应被视为在Matrixport通过Matrixport平台或电子邮件发出之时正式送达。\u003c/br\u003e\n2.协议双方同意,用户可在Matrixport平台上通过电子方式(无论是电子签署还是其他方式,包括用户点击“【同意】”)接受或签署本协议。通过此种方式签署或交付本协议,在法律效力和可执行性方面,应等同于与亲笔签名,本协议应对所有协议各方均有效且具有约束力。\u003c/br\u003e\n3.本协议的任何部分被认定不合法、无效或者不可执行的,本协议其余部分应不受影响。\u003c/br\u003e\n4.本协议应以英语版本为准,优先于其他译本。\u003c/br\u003e\n",
  "message": ""

Get Product Labels

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
LANGUAGE-TYPE header 语言 Yes string
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "label_alias": "Risk_Advanced",
      "is_tab": 1,
      "priority_level": 8,
      "status": 1,
      "i18n": [
          "id": 1,
          "label_id": 1,
          "language": "zh-CN",
          "name": "风险进阶"
      "desc": [
          "id": 1,
          "label_id": 1,
          "language": "zh-CN",
          "desc": "有较大的本金亏损风险,如无常损失等"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
id integer id
is_tab integer is tab
label_alias string label alias name
priority_level integer priority level
status integer status 1 upon 2 down

Get User Asset

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y 64 Product ID: 7064121248502018048
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "product_id": "7064121248502018048",
    "strategy_id": "69296580",
    "project_name": "STBT-Convex-USDT-Yield",
    "deposit_amount": "0",
    "currency": "USDT",
    "hold_share": "0",
    "redeeming_share": "0",
    "wait_confirm_share_amount": "0",
    "accumulator_pnl": "0",
    "accumulator_pnl_usd": "0",
    "yesterday_accumulator_pnl": null,
    "yesterday_accumulator_pnl_usd": null,
    "latest_time_stamp": 1689206400000,
    "annualized_return": "0.115946126258058549",
    "has_annualized_return": true,
    "latest_tvl": "1423211.488036033529806264",
    "latest_price": "1.016194759715523607",
    "i18n": null
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
accumulator_pnl number accumulator pnl
accumulator_pnl_usd number accumulator pnl usd
annualized_return number annualized
currency string currency
deposit_amount number deposit amount
has_annualized_return boolean has annualized
hold_share number hold shares
latest_price number latest price
latest_time_stamp integer latest time stamp
latest_tvl number latest tvl
product_id string product id
project_name string project name
redeeming_share number redeeming share
wait_confirm_share_amount number wait confirm share amount
yesterday_accumulator_pnl number yesterday accumulator pnl
yesterday_accumulator_pnl_usd number yesterday accumulator pnl usd

Product Asset Monitor

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
strategy_id string Y 64 Strategy ID: 69296580
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "snapshot_id": "69296580_1689213600000",
    "timestamp": "1689213600000",
    "nav": "1.016349552018528429",
    "underlying_tokens": [
        "currency": "STBT",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.45935854517181050323273973067411",
        "price": "1.000394112114030639",
        "allocation": "0.45214709407314319195422256377767",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.45953958393914620461604583397558",
        "token_address": "0x530824DA86689C9C17CdC2871Ff29B058345b44a",
        "chain": "ETH"
        "currency": "USDT",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.18785585450608149571421531044516",
        "price": "1",
        "allocation": "0.18483386782802104119293878498513",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.18785585450608149571421531044516",
        "token_address": "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
        "chain": "ETH"
        "currency": "USDC",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.18535516908687450557517676323921",
        "price": "1.000025145038015206",
        "allocation": "0.18237799604986538316122559506584",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.18535982984964750998590141229923",
        "token_address": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
        "chain": "ETH"
        "currency": "DAI",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.18284460400438893770796370241949",
        "price": "1.000140485983369521",
        "allocation": "0.17992850584970707578593848946633",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.18287029110838630502077873060784",
        "token_address": "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F",
        "chain": "ETH"
    "rewards": [
        "currency": "CVX",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.00000495170987995651663869284628",
        "price": "4.001883764965811843",
        "allocation": "0.00001949739001494464597984664461",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.00001981616737741879300861294709",
        "token_address": "0x4e3FBD56CD56c3e72c1403e103b45Db9da5B9D2B",
        "chain": "ETH"
        "currency": "CRV",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.0003419285850241778338197284196",
        "price": "0.787111379411193279",
        "allocation": "0.00026480636359658176984010782165",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.0002691358802184980994681374217",
        "token_address": "0xD533a949740bb3306d119CC777fa900bA034cd52",
        "chain": "ETH"
    "off_chain": [
        "currency": "USDT",
        "quantity_per_set": "0.00043523393710505259970766233545",
        "price": "1",
        "allocation": "0.00042823244565178148985332121222",
        "total_price_per_unit": "0.00043523393710505259970766233545",
        "token_address": "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
        "chain": "ETH"
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
nav string nav
snapshot_id string snapshot id
timestamp string timestamp
underlying_tokens.allocation string allocation
underlying_tokens.allocation_change_percent string allocation change percent
underlying_tokens.chain string chain
underlying_tokens.currency string currency
underlying_tokens.price string price
underlying_tokens.price_change_percent string price change percent
underlying_tokens.quantity_per_set string quantity per set
underlying_tokens.token_address string token address
underlying_tokens.total_price_per_unit string total price per unit
off_chain array same as underlying_tokens
rewards array same as underlying_tokens

Product Asset Distribution

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
strategy_id string Y 64 Strategy ID: 69296580
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "asset_distribution": [
        "protocol": "Curve\u0026Convex",
        "distribution": "99.96%"
        "protocol": "Off-chain",
        "distribution": "0.04%"
    "timestamp": 1689213600000
  "message": ""
Parameter Name Type Description
asset_distribution.protocol string protocol
asset_distribution.distribution string distribution

Sync Order

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
amount number Y 64 amount
product_id string Y - product id
serial_number string Y - order serial number, max length is 32, the same user is unique
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"product_id":6820591484295766016,"amount":100,"serial_number":6820608333133701120}'

  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "order_id": "6820608333133701120",
    "order_status": 1
Parameter Name Type Description
order_id string order id
order_status integer order_status 3 is failed other is ok

Async Order

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
amount number Y 64 amount
product_id string Y - product id
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"product_id":6820591484295766016,"amount":100}'

  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "serial_number": 6820608333133700000
Parameter Name Type Description
serial_number string serial_number

Cancel Order

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y - order id
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"order_id":6820591484295766016}'

  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {}

Order Result

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
serial_number string Y 64 serial number
curl ""

  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "failed_code": 0,
    "failed_message": "",
    "status": 0
Parameter Name Type Description
failed_code integer failed code eg:17000004 Insufficient balance
failed_message string failed message
status integer status 0:pending 1:success

Order Details

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
order_id string Y 64 order id
curl ""
Parameter Name Type Description
id string order id
accrual_time integer accrual time
amount number amount
book_time integer book time
confirm_share_nav_time integer confirm share nav time
confirm_share_time integer confirm share time
created_on integer created on
currency string currency
deposit_amount number deposit amount
deposit_fee number deposit fee
deposit_fee_platform_ratio number deposit fee platform ratio
deposit_fee_subsidy integer deposit fee subsidy
deposit_ror number deposit ror
deposit_subsidy_fee number deposit subsidy fee
deposit_take_fee number deposit take fee
duration_id integer duration id
liquidation_principal number liquidation principal
loss_share number loss share
main_product_type integer main product type
modified_on integer modified on
order_status integer order status
product_id string product id
project_name string project name
raised_time integer raised time
redeem_principal number redeem principal
redeem_share number redeem share
redeeming_principal number redeeming principal
redeeming_share number redeeming share
risk_status integer risk status
share number share
share_nav number share nav
start_closed_time integer start closed time


Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y - product id
share string Y - redeem shares
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"product_id":6820591484295766016,"share":100}'
Parameter Name Type Description
id integer id
actual_redeem_fee number actual redeem fee
confirm_time integer confirm time
exempt_redeem_fee boolean if exempt redeem fee
order_id string stake order id
performance_fee number performance fee
performance_fee_ror number performance fee ror
product_id string product id
project_name string project name
redeem_amount number redemption principal + redemption income - redemption fee
redeem_currency string redeem currency
redeem_fee number redeem fee
redeem_fee_ror number redeem fee ror
redeem_id integer redeem id
redeem_principal number redeem principal
redeem_profit number redeem profit
redeem_share number redeem share
redeem_share_nav number redeem share nav
redeem_share_nav_time integer date of redemption of net value of shares
redeem_subsidy integer whether to redeem the subsidy
redeem_time integer the time when the user initiates a redemption request
redeem_to_account_time integer redemption arrival time
status integer status
strategy_id integer strategy id
subsidy_redeem_fee number actual Subsidy Handling Fee
user_id string user id

Redeem Details

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
redeem_id string Y 64 redeem id
curl ""
Parameter Name Type Description
id integer redeem id
actual_redeem_fee number actual redeem fee
confirm_time integer confirm time
exempt_redeem_fee boolean if exempt redeem fee
order_id string stake order id
performance_fee number performance fee
performance_fee_ror number performance fee ror
product_id string product id
project_name string project name
redeem_amount number redemption principal + redemption income - redemption fee
redeem_currency string redeem currency
redeem_fee number redeem fee
redeem_fee_ror number redeem fee ror
redeem_id integer redeem id
redeem_principal number redeem principal
redeem_profit number redeem profit
redeem_share number redeem share
redeem_share_nav number redeem share nav
redeem_share_nav_time integer date of redemption of net value of shares
redeem_subsidy integer whether to redeem the subsidy
redeem_time integer the time when the user initiates a redemption request
redeem_to_account_time integer redemption arrival time
status integer status
strategy_id integer strategy id
subsidy_redeem_fee number actual Subsidy Handling Fee
user_id string user id

Cancel Redeem

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
redeem_id string Y - redeem id
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data '{"redeem_id":6820591484295766016}'
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {}

Redeem trail

Parameter Name Type Mandatory Limit Description
product_id string Y product id
share number Y 64 redeem shares
curl ""
  "code": 0,
  "message": "",
  "data": {
    "redeem_ror": 0.1
Parameter Name Type Description
redeem_ror number weighted average redemption fee rate

Error Codes

Return Codes Details
0 OK.
12120000 Inner Biz error.
12120001 Inner error.
12120002 Restricted IP.
12120003 Cannot buy this product.
12120004 Less min purchase amount.
12120005 Exceeding max purchase amount.
12120006 Insufficient product quota.
12120007 The product is not in the offer period.
12120008 Insufficient balance.
12120009 The limit of single person purchase has been exceeded.
12120010 The order has been processed.
12120011 The order is processing.
12120012 Insufficient balance.
12120013 cannot view the order which is not yours orde.
12120014 Redeem amount great than share amount.
12120015 Cannot be canceled.
12120016 Cannot buy this product,not in deposit window period.
12120017 Cannot withdraw this product,not in withdraw window period.